GUEST EDITORIAL: 6 of the Most Powerful Superheroes
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6 of the Most Powerful Superheroes
by Kevin Gardner
Superheroes have always held a place of honor in popular culture. Their superpowers distinguish them and make them favorites when it comes to how they use their abilities to combat evil. They are looked up to for their overall moral rightness and are used as role models for kids of all ages in their DIY costumes at home. The bigger the hero, though, the better at their job they are. Here are the top ten strongest superheroes in no particular order from both the DC and the Marvel universes, with a few others thrown in for fun.
1. Superman
It's no wonder that the Man of Steel is at the top of the list of all-time greatest heroes. His list of abilities is lengthy. To begin, Superman's x-ray vision is one of his most iconic yet underappreciated abilities. It's the ability to see right through most stuff. His x-ray vision is a powerful weapon in the war against crime. With a simple turn of his head, he can search anything around him for criminals, people to save, and everything else. Similarly, his super-breath is a remarkable achievement. He can essentially transform into a human vacuum or generate hurricane-force winds at will, allowing him to knock over heavy objects with a single breath. Imagine what he could do if he took some greens powder!
2. Martian Manhunter
J'onzz wields a deceptive amount of strength. J'onn, The Justice League's most influential member, has so many incredible powers that he still seems to downplay them, at least in the cartoons. While J'onn, the Martian Manhunter, is from Mars, he is one of Earth's most powerful and loyal allies. Thank goodness he's a nice man. J'onn's abilities seem to be limitless. J'onn is in a league of his own, with the ability to read minds, shapeshift into whatever he likes, x-ray vision, the ability to fly, invulnerability, superhuman strength comparable to Superman's, and invisibility that allows him to phase through walls.
3. Dr. Manhattan
Dr. Manhattan's powers include total consciousness and control over fundamental atomic particles, invincibility and immortality, the ability to change the size of his body as well as his density and color to whatever he desires. He's also telekinetic, with the power to teleport himself to any place. And he's so powerful that if he wanted to, he might wipe out whole universes. It's really impressive.
4. Jean Grey
Ms. Grey is the most powerful female superhero on the planet. She's almost uncontrollably strong. Jean Grey is easily the most powerful member of the X-Men team and female in the Universe, being one of the world's most powerful telepaths, those who only parallel Professor X. Her mind is the only thing that limits her abilities, and she is both a telepath and a telekinetic. She is capable of moving objects simply by thinking about them. Jean is terrifyingly strong, but she's even scarier when she transforms into The Phoenix. Her abilities become extremely unstable and seem to be limitless.
5. Flash
Many of you may be surprised by this one, but it shouldn't be. There have been many people who have worn the cape known as The Flash. The most common misconception about Flash is that he is simply the world's fastest guy. It certainly does not stop there. The Flash is also capable of thinking and acting at the speed of light. He can also phase through walls and other matter, as well as read and learn information at an accelerated pace.
6. Spectre
The Spectre is a cosmic being and the physical manifestation of God's wrath on Earth, but he's not your typical superhero. He possesses infinite strength as a result of divine empowerment and is widely regarded as one of the most powerful superheroes ever. He has power over reality, as well as time and space, and has access to all of the universe's information. But it is his raw physical strength that really sets him apart from other super beings. His strength is so immense that he needs a human form to manipulate it. He is impervious to all physical attacks and, in a single fistfight, he can take out an entire magical society.