Show Me the Money: Movies That Inspire Entrepreneurship
Image by Rebrand Cities via Pexels
Show Me the Money: Movies That Inspire Entrepreneurship
The business of movies has inspired many young entrepreneurs to spread their wings and get involved on the level of producing and maybe even opening their own indie studios, but movies themselves do plenty of inspiring as well. Movies inspire many different kinds of people: there are casino shows and movies that might give someone a great idea for starting their own casino, some may find the inspiration they need to finally take those dance classes, some might be inspired to put their apron on after a long period of flopped dishes and tears in the kitchen. Others might become inspired to go back to school or university, and others still might find the final confirmation that they need to step out into the world of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship itself is defined as, “The activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.”
You can be an entrepreneur in many different ways: you could get involved in a small business, join or create a startup, get involved in a large corporate company, or become a social entrepreneur. Just like the movie world that so many people draw inspiration from, entrepreneurship is a broad definition for people who do a lot of things. Movies about entrepreneurs of different sorts have been uplifting and inspiring for aspiring entrepreneurs for many years. If you’re a would-be business person who needs a boost to reach out for their chosen career, check out some of these movies for a little inspiration to give yourself the life you need; take some little lessons and golden nuggets of wisdom from them that you can carry with you into the business world.
1. Joy
This film tells the story of real-life businesswoman Joy Mangano, who invented the Miracle Mop and Huggable Hangers. Joy’s life wasn’t always smooth sailing; she had to overcome a huge amount of obstacles (not least of which was being a woman in what is still something of a man’s world: business) before her business became the dynasty it was destined to become. Joy faces down betrayal and fear on her way to becoming one of the Home Shopping Network’s biggest sellers, and patenting more than 100 inventions. The movie teaches us the value of hard work, patience, and humility in the face of almost insurmountable odds.
2. Wall Street
1987’s Wall Street may not be the most modern movie on our list, but it’s certainly one of the best-known business films ever made. Wall Street is well known as a place where only the strong and the smart survive and where there's no room for error or emotion. A young Charlie Sheen plays an ambitious broker in the grip of money fever. He meets and admires Michael Douglas’ character, Gordon Gekko, a corporate raider with no remorse. The pair step into dangerous territory and begin insider trading and threats to Sheen’s character emerge and solidify. While this might not sound like a movie you can learn anything from, it’s actually one that will teach you exactly what NOT to do. The lesson here is don’t get too greedy, and don’t let your ambition drive you to become unscrupulous. Nothing is worth getting where you want to be by illegal or unscrupulous methods.
3. Jerry Maguire
Now we come to one of the most well-known entrepreneurial movies in history: Jerry Maguire. That famous “Show me the money!” scene is known far and wide, and it's a movie that has inspired millions to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. Jerry Maguire really gets you rooting for the good guy, which is something that we could use a lot more of in the entrepreneurial world! A sports agent finds himself facing a crisis of conscience, something that’s not known to happen to sports agents too often! In his efforts to do the right thing, he gets fired and has to start from scratch. He tries desperately to hang on to his star clients, but only ends up with one client and one employee. This movie teaches us that doing the right thing and trusting your gut might be hard, but it's worth it in the end.
Image by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels
4. Erin Brockovich
If you haven't watched this ‘90s classic, where have you been? Erin Brockovich is a true story and one of the most inspirational stories you could ever hope to watch. Julia Roberts plays the titular character, a single mom who is struggling to hold down a job and getting doors slammed in her face left and right. After a car accident, Erin meets lawyer Ed Masry and begs for a job at his firm. Though it's not all smooth sailing, Erin has undeniable instincts that lead her to dig into a case of potential poisoning by a corporation trying desperately to sweep the issue under the rug. Despite every roadblock she encounters, Erin goes on to crack open one of the best-known environmental contamination cases in US history, and eventually becomes a qualified legal clerk, consumer advocate, and environmental activist. Erin’s story shows us that doing the right thing is the only thing that matters, and it reminds us of just how much we as humans really are capable of.
Image by Fauxels via Pexels
Wrap up
These four movies all share inspiring stories from different walks of life. They prove that hard work is needed to get from where you are to where you want to be. They teach us to hold onto our morals, both in business, and in all our dealings with other people; to never give up and to trust our instincts. These movies are incredibly inspirational, and if you’re feeling a little down after some disappointments, or if you’re wondering if you’ve got what it takes to make it as an entrepreneur, we suggest you watch them. Movies can’t do all the hard work for you, but they certainly can inspire you and give you a boost that will carry you through challenging times.