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A Guide to Creating the Perfect Home Theater

Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/3A0bs74T8zc

A Guide to Creating the Perfect Home Theater

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, home theaters are growing in popularity. Experts expect the home theatre systems market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of over 19%. There are many benefits to installing a home theater. It increases the home value, adds luxury, and provides comfort to your house. 

We are constantly looking for new ways to enhance the in-home entertainment experience. A home theater is just the solution to that. The entertainment options are limitless - you can organize family movie nights, play games with your friends, entertain your kids, or spend quality time with your significant other

In this guide, we will go over the most important steps of setting up a home theater.

Setting Up Your Home Theater

The first st.ep is choosing a space in your home to set up your theater. You must consider the room, furniture, lighting, and acoustics.

Selecting the ideal room

Selecting where to place the home theater involves considering the room’s size and shape. While you may not need a big room, it does have more benefits. A larger space allows for better seating arrangements and room for more technical equipment. On the other hand, a smaller room creates a cozier setting. The size of the room will also impact the acoustic experience.

The shape of the room will impact sound distribution and reflections. You’ll want a rectangular or even-shaped room for better sound distribution. An irregularly shaped room needs additional equipment to reduce sound reflections. In general, you want to place your home theater in a space that maximizes all components.

Noise and lighting control

Beyond the physical dimensions of the space, you will need to consider the noise and lighting of the room. Here are some tips on choosing a space that maximizes noise control:

  • Make sure the room is further away from busy streets

  • Ideally, the room should not be close to the bedrooms

  • Consider insulating the walls and using other soundproofing materials

  • Use heavy curtains. Not only do they enhance the cinematic experience, but they are also great for blocking noises

  • Invest in good-quality sound systems

Proper lighting control is essential for achieving optimal visual quality. Here are some lighting tips:

  • The curtains also work great to block natural lights

  • The fewer windows in the room, the less you will have to worry about covering them up

  • Invest in lighting technologies, such as dimmable and programmable lighting fixtures

It’s important to effectively handle the noise and lighting concerns to generate the real movie theater feeling. It allows for a more enjoyable and uninterrupted experience.

Furniture and seating arrangement

How you arrange your furniture in your home theater will significantly impact the comforts of your home theater. Choose furniture that is comfortable and durable. Recliners and sofas are good choices for your space. Before buying any furniture, make sure you are aware of the room's dimensions.

Some furniture to stay away from when designing your home theater:

  • High-back sofas: High-back sofas can ruin the view for those behind you.

  • Stools: Generally, these seats are not too comfortable if you spend hours on them.

  • Unstable or wobbly seating: These seats are uncomfortable and distracting. That’s why it’s crucial to invest in good-quality seating.

  • Unsupportive seats: These seats are uncomfortable and can cause back or neck pain.

Placing furniture 

Once you have your furniture, you must place it strategically. You'll strain your eyes if you place the seats too close to the screen. However, if you put the seats too far, they will diminish the visual experience. A rule of thumb is to place your furniture at a distance of approximately 1.5 to 2.5 times your screen’s diagonal size. 

Moreover, consider getting modular or movable sofas. A home theater can be used for various experiences. You will want to make sure your furniture can adapt to that. 

Acoustic considerations

We already explained how the room’s dimensions can impact the acoustic. The same holds for furniture. Upholstered seating contributes to better acoustics as it absorbs sound reflections. On the other hand, seating with hard and reflective surfaces causes sound reflection and negatively impacts audio quality. Additionally, to optimize audio, place your furniture near the center or at an equal distance from the speakers.

Finally, make sure you have furniture to place drinks, snacks, and remote control. These will have to be within arm’s reach.

Wiring and connectivity

Proper wiring and connectivity create a safe, organized, and smooth home theater experience. Here are tips you will need to consider when setting up the wiring and connectivity:

  • Network: A reliable network connection allows for a smooth process when gaming, streaming content, downloading updates, and accessing online services. The first step in securing reliable internet is choosing a good internet provider. If possible, use a wired connection over WiFi, as it’s often faster and more secure. Alternatively, consider a mesh WiFi system. Since it has two to three different WiFi access points, a mesh WiFi system allows for faster and more stable internet.

  • HDMI and AV cables: Since high-definition video and audio quality is essential for a home theater, the quality of your HDMI cables is also important. Choose cables that support the latest standards.

  • Power: You don’t want to set up your home theater with all its equipment and later find out you are missing power outlets for all the devices. As part of electrical safety, use surge protectors or power strips since you will probably have many devices connected simultaneously.

  • Cable management: Undoubtedly, you will have many cables lying around. To prevent clutter or dangerous situations, organize all of your cables. There are various choices, such as cable management boxes, in-wall conduits, and cable sleeves. Where possible, go cableless and take advantage of wireless connections, such as Bluetooth.

  • Ventilation: Installing the necessary ventilation is important because of the heat generated by all the audio and video equipment. Don’t block any air vents.

  • Smart home systems: To uplevel your home theater, consider smart plugs, voice assistants, and automation systems. Smart home integration enhances the experience as you can control everything from one point.

Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/J39X2xX_8CQ

The Components of a Home Theater

We already discussed the essential components of a home theater, such as sound and video. Let’s dive a little bit deeper into these components.

Video display

The screen you choose for a home theater will significantly impact the viewing experience. Luckily, there a plenty of options for visual display. Understanding the different options will help you make the right choice.


When choosing a screen, consider the following.

  • Size: Having a large screen sounds attractive. You can better view your movie, series, documentary, or game. However, having the biggest screen is not always better. If the screen is considerably large compared to the room, it can cause eye strain. The screen size should be proportional to room dimensions.

  • Aspect ratio: Simply put, the aspect ratio is the shape of a screen’s display. It’s the proportional relationship between the width and height of a screen or image. When choosing a screen, select an aspect ratio that fits the type of content you’ll mostly watch.

  • Material: You should consider the screen material as it can affect brightness and viewing angles. Different material options are matte white, gray, or acoustically transparent screens. Always ask what the best option is, depending on your needs.


New, quality projectors come with a high price tag but allow for good viewing quality. These are some factors to consider when opting for a projector:

  • Resolution: Projects come in different resolutions. The price also changes depending on the resolution. Standard options include 1080p Full HD and 4K Ultra HD.

  • Lumens: Lumens are used to measure the projector’s brightness. Having a good lumens rating helps to image visibility in different lighting conditions. 

  • Contrast Ratio: Higher contrast ratios result in deeper blacks and more vibrant colors.

  • Throw Distance: This is the distance between the projector and the screen. Just as with the screen size, ensure that your chosen projector's throw distance is compatible with the room's dimensions.

The video display is the heart of your home theater. Carefully select the right screen type and projector to enjoy your home theater now and in the long run.

Sound system

There are a few things you should pay attention to when designing a well-design sound system. Beyond sound quality and speaker type, your sound system is influenced by the room's characteristics and acoustic treatments. Therefore, be careful where you place your sound system. By optimizing all aspects, you can create a home theater where sound is controlled and balanced.

Sound quality

Multiple factors, such as speaker selection, speaker quality, and audio calibration, impact the sound quality. When shopping for speakers, choose a speaker that has a balanced tone. If needed, bring an expert along or look for reviews online.

Speaker type

Each speaker type serves a different purpose. Your choice will depend on your budget and ultimate home theater goal.

  • Surround speakers: The surround sound effect creates a three-dimensional audio environment, allowing you to hear the sound throughout the room. These speakers are great for movies and series with many sound effects, such as action or thriller movies. 

  • Dolby Atmos: Dolby Atmos uses surround sound technology with advanced features. These speakers add height channels for multidimensional sound. 

  • Subwoofers: This is a bass-focused speaker designed with low-pitched audio frequencies. They are excellent for a home theater as they enhance a sound system's overall dynamics.

Many other speaker types exist, such as front speakers, soundbars, portable, and satellite. Front speakers, or bookshelf speakers, provide a robust foundation for sound but can take up a lot of space. Satellite speakers are smaller but work better with an additional sound system for optimal experience. Before purchasing, look around, ask for recommendations, and budget for a sound system.

Home theater receiver

The home theater receiver connects all of the other components and controls sound. It’s a multifaceted device that receives signals from Blu-ray players, gaming consoles, streaming devices, and other input devices. It then processes them for distribution to output devices, such as speakers and displays.

Financial tips 

Setting up a home theater is an exciting adventure. To be able to make the most of it and create an enjoyable experience, planning is crucial. You should approach this project with a clear budget in mind to avoid overspending. Here are some financial tips for setting up your home theater:

  • Set a realistic budget: This should be done before buying equipment or remodeling any room. Consider the cost of equipment, installation, furniture, and any remodeling that you will do.

  • Buy secondhand or refurbished: This is a great way to save on items. However, verify the condition and warranty options before purchasing secondhand or refurbished items. 

  • Buy during sales: Keep an eye out for sales events, such as Black Friday. You can often get new, high-quality equipment by being patient.

  • Do your research: Compare different brands and models, ask for recommendations, and shop around. Before purchasing a sound system or any other component, you want to make sure you have all the information.

  • DIY vs. hiring a professional: You can save some money by doing some of the setups yourself. Determine where you have the knowledge and skills to do it yourself and where it would be better to hire a professional. For example, electrical installations should always be done by a professional.

  • Avoid impulse purchases: You can avoid buying expensive or unnecessary equipment by sticking to your budget.

  • Financing options: As mentioned, setting up a home theater can be a significant investment. You can explore financing options such as loans with a bank, zero-interest payment plans directly at the store, or low-interest credit cards. Even if you’re financing your home theater, ensure you can manage the payments within your budget.

Photo by Curtis Adams from Pexels

Creating the perfect home theater allows you to have a new in-home entertainment experience. You can enjoy it with friends, family or just by yourself. Keep in mind that setting up a home theater requires planning. This guide has provided tips on technology, design, visuals, and sound to help you get started.