MEDIA APPEARANCE: Interview in the "Forest Park Review"
Behind the scenes of this website ever since shut down a few years ago, I continually look for potential platforms and outlets where I can have my film reviews published for wider audiences. I don't care if I get paid. I know there isn't money in this creative venture for a guy like me with a day job. I just enjoy getting my work out there to raise my press standing little by little. Recently, I pitched my local suburban newspaper, The Forest Park Review, to volunteer my film reviews as a potential worthy addition to their publication.
Its editor declined citing space is at a premium for focusing on local topics and issues, but he liked my journey as a school teacher, film critic, and co-founder of the Chicago Independent Film Critics Circle. He wanted to know if I would interested in being interviewed for a citizen's spotlight. I was glad and honored to oblige. Linked below is my interview piece written by contributing reporter Siobhan Neela-Stock as it appeared published Tuesday, August 14th. When and where I grew up, you knew you did something pretty cool when you got your picture in the paper! Thank you, Ms. Neela-Stock and The Forest Park Review!