GUEST COLUMN: 10 Best Inspirational Movie for Self Growth
By Stella Lincoln
In different places, we are searching for inspiration — books, podcasts of music. Nonetheless, it might be a film that gives you the boost you are after when you try to get something and build on yourself if you are an enthusiastic movie buff–and a visual guy.
Various stories can cause new ideas for improving yourself. Perhaps:
Your goal is to eat healthier.
You want to travel more or promote healthy connections.
You will find and go after something you didn't even think about.
These ten movies will motivate you and help you grow.
1. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
You didn't think we could mention the most motivational and inspiring films and included this one, did you? Simple, if you have not seen a The Pursuit of Happyness (Yes, happyness with' Y '), watch it one of the most inspiring films on this list. Record it again if you've seen it for a while. The Pursuit of Happyness is based on Chris Gardner and his young son (Jaden Smith)'s real-life story of overcoming poverty in their pursuit of a better life. This movie is probably the most motivational dialog you can find.
2. Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru (2016)
I am not your Guru, an extraordinary insight into Tony Robbins' life, is the gritty and inspiring account of much more than just a practitioner of human behavior but a person who cares deeply about others' sufferings because he's no stranger to suffering. This is an inspirational film on several accounts that can't be missed if you've followed or enjoyed the work of Robbins Research International in the past (or present).
3. Spotlight (2016)
Priority is not what most would think of an inspirational movie. Yet reading between the lines is one of the most compelling social rights stories ever told. It's an unbelievably important film and, in itself, it's not just an inspiring story. Based on a true story, Spotlight focuses on the reporting by the Boston Globe of local Catholic priests about sexual abuse. This tells the story of the exploitation by those in control and the underdog who prevailed over very powerful forces, steeped in cover-ups and conspiracies. It is an important reminder of the value of such research in a world where reporting is targeted to balance the scale of justice and corruption.
4. Hawking (2004)
Late Stephen Hawking was one of the brightest and most influential scientists of the 21st century. Nevertheless, Hawking was not just a scientist but a survivor who survived a fatal ALS (or Lou Gehrig sickness) case and went on to live a fulfilled life. Hawking is a BBC TV documentary about Stephen Hawking's early years as a Doctoral student at the University of Cambridge, his early studies and his battle against neuronal motor diseases. He stars as Hawking and debuted in the UK in April 2004, with Benedict Cumberbatch. Don't get this through if you want a great story of determination and grit.
5. The Greatest Showman (2017)
Michael Gracey's first film, written by Jenny Bicks and Bill Condon and directed by Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson, and Zendaya and Maia, will be biographical in 2017. The film is influenced by the history of P with nine original songs by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul. P. T. Barnum founded the American Museum of Barnum and the lives of its celebrity attractions. Sure, this is the time you announce who you are! If one of your goals is to live without fear and control your own emotions, this is for you. Be inspired to even be you in front of someone or something that criticizes you.
6. Zootopia (2016)
This movie is much more but appears to be at first only another Disney animated film. A big-city police officer aspires to Zootopia. It is located in Zootopia, a vast metropolis that houses every animal species that nobody else knows about because man doesn't exist. The officer aspiring? A spunky girl, a bunny baby, born far away from the city. Somehow, while sharing a compelling tale of bigotry, racism, and xenophobia, Zootopia is a hugely fun and entertaining film for children and adults alike. If you have kids or just like animated films (and you haven't seen them anyway), look at them.
7. Living on One Dollar (2013)
For years, I have seen Living on One Dollar for the first time, but I recall it still in detail. It is the kind of movie that gives you a lasting feeling and changes your way of life eternally, though subtly. One dollar is a practical, four college students followed by eight weeks in Guatemala where the average citizen can survive on as little as a dollar a day (thus the title). The first dollar is one dollar a day. In reality, the movie explains that more than one billion people in the world now live like that.
For the movie, each student was paid $9 to $9 per day and shared a small hut that he bought with a small loan that simulated the more specific circumstances of living. They face disease, parasites, famine, unexpected costs, and the frustration they all experience throughout their time here in the country. Yet love, modesty, and the soul can also be found along the way.
8. The Bad Kids (2016)
The Bad Kids follows four Black Rock High School students, who are in danger of not graduating from a school of 11th and 12th graders. You get to know each of the four students throughout the film and what keeps them. The filmmakers are doing an excellent job of showing the kids not just as warped, apathetic, and even dangerous for what others see them as, but underneath. These students wear premium jackets and do bad stuff in western America with no guilt.
The primary source of inspiration is Vonda Viland. Viland deals with students with kindness and compassion almost divine evaluate students regularly on a case by case basis and even picks up students when they are unable to go to school. The movie inspires a sense of good action and empathy through Viland like no film I've ever seen.
9. The Little Prince (2015)
The Little Prince is a movie adaption of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's similar-name news, definitely one of my favorites on this list. It is a young girl who is moving into a new neighborhood to qualify for the same prestigious school as her mother attended years ago. Her mother had not only planned her whole education lovingly but her whole life to the second–albeit wrongly. The Little Prince, Starring Rachel McAdams, and Jeff Bridges is a wonderful reminder of the precious life and the importance of adventure and connections.
10. 42 (2013)
See Black Panther? Who hasn't, okay? Would you like to see more Chadwick Boseman? You are in luck. 42 is based on the inspiring life story by the great baseball player, Jackie Robinson, who had been the first black ballplayer to succeed in the major leagues since 1889. 42 was performed by Boseman as Jackie. It is a tale of courage and the human spirit and serves as a reminder of what one person can do by standing up for what they believe. Robinson's widow, Rachel Robinson, contributed to the production process to enhance the film's authenticity.
Films can be transformational in your view of health, wealth and wellness or even give you a more creative aspect. Whether it is a biopic that encourages you to make the world a new backing or a documentary that makes you ruin your life, certain films can act as catalysts for personal transformation. With these extremely good movies, you will surely get motivated.