COLUMN: Five Most Impactful Movie Speeches of All-Time



Five Most Impactful Movie Speeches of All Times

For years, magnificent movie speeches stand-and-delivered by top actors have been making their way from the movie screen right to the hearts of the viewers, inspiring people for real changes, accomplishments, and acts of bravery. Indeed, they have gained a legacy status and have been carved in human minds for many years to come. Many movie speeches are worth mentioning, but these five are the most memorable and affecting ones.

Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator

Charlie Chaplin is famous for his comedy roles in silent movies. However, the only nomination for acting that he received from the Academy Awards was for his role as the Jewish barber pretending to be the dictator Hynkel. The movie was devised as a satire of the fascist German leader. And by the toothbrush mustache, it is hard to leave unnoticed the staggering resemblance of Chaplin’s character with Hitler. Charlie Chaplin himself, however, admitted that he would have never been able to make the comedy movie if he had known about the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany.

His comedy talent inspired many. However, the most touching and valuable moment of the film is the final speech given by the imposter Hynkel. With the voice and the tone of a true dictator, he judges dictatorship and extols human rights and freedoms. 

“More than machinery, we need humanity”, claims he. Eighty years ago the humankind saw the movie for the first time; however, it didn’t lose its relevance even a little. 

Mel Gibson in Braveheart

Presently, the fate of Scotland may have been decided by a country-wide referendum. However, the Scots of the 13th century addressed the issues with swords, spears, kilts, and, most probably, with incredibly powerful speeches. Like Mel Gibbson aka William Wallace did in the movie version of the Battle of Stirling Bridge. 

In the face of the enemy English army, better equipped and outweighing in numbers, even the old-timer Scots are ready to flee. Until the character of Mel Gibson shows up.

With a bit of sarcasm, he debunks the stories that “he kills men by the hundreds” and can defeat the Englishmen “with fireballs from his eyes”.

It takes a lot of talent to be able to inspire the whole army by mocking himself, and Mel Gibson’s Wallace has a knack for it. However, it’s his call to fight for their freedom is what drives men into battle.

Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting

You will hardly find anyone who didn’t shed a tear when Sean Maguire (by Robin Williams) after telling Will Hunting (performed by Matt Damon) “It’s not your fault” over and over again, eventually broke the guards of a badass Will and made him cry on the therapist’s shoulder.

During the whole movie, the viewer is forced to sympathize with the characters and live through their complicated situations and psychological problems, as well as to see them win and grow. Every word of the movie is powerful. However, if we were to choose the most impactful speech of the film, it would be Robin Williams’s dialogue at the swan lake. Speaking about love for his long-gone wife, who was his best friend, his angel, “who could rescue him from the depths of hell” he makes his point that Will knows nothing about love or loss because he never experienced anything like this. “I can’t learn from you anything I can’t read from the book unless you want to talk about who you are”, says he. These words made a start for a strong friendship and helped Will to open his heart. 

What did it mean for the rest of us? Don’t judge the book by its cover is the first thing that comes to our minds. After all, humans are far more complicated creatures than we often think.

Russel Crowe in Gladiator

Awe-inspiring Enya’s music, fantastic costumes, and the surroundings of the ancient Roman Empire.  Who doesn’t like the movie Gladiator has simply never watched it. 

Impossible to forget this epic scene “My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the armies of the north, general of Felix Legions….” (Maybe, even Daenerys Targaryen herself stole this perk from Russel Crowe.) Bold and confident, he reveals his true identity before his worst enemy, the man he hates and despises the most, throwing himself at the public’s mercy. Yes, for 20 years this speech has been moving hearts of the fans all over the world.

However, it’s his words “If we stay together, we survive” before the first battle as a team that made the biggest impact. With this concise speech, he managed to raise the morale of his peers and lift himself to the role of their leader, without even intending to do so. And the words are forever carved in our minds – we are strong when we are united.

Brad Pitt in Fight Club

Even if you’ve never watched Fight Club you, probably, know the quote “We work at the jobs we hate so we can buy things we don’t need”. Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) wasn’t that polite though. Speaking in front of misfits, he brings up a complex problem of the present time. The world forces people to fit in the commonly accepted picture and disregard their desires and personal happiness. Blend in and become part of the masses. Don’t think differently. Just buy junk. 

Confident and sincere, he turns a bunch of losers into a huge organization that managed to bring the whole credit system down. Isn’t it the power of the word?

“I wish I was that eloquent and persuasive like Tyler Durden. I wouldn’t have to ask someone to write my speech for me. You know, I am speaking about my minimalistic life tomorrow. The movie largely defined my choice,” shared with us Alexander Bauman, a former lawyer and now a nomad graphic designer.

Well, Tyler, could be proud of himself, couldn’t he?