GUEST COLUMN: 31 Halloween Movies For Every Night of October


31 Halloween Movies For Every Night of October

by Kevin Gardner

Since October is one of the months with 31 days, there is plenty of opportunity to get into the Halloween mood before the big night itself. Here are suggested movies for every one of those nights and there is something for everyone from the truly terrifying to the cute and funny.


"The Ring" is probably the most terrifying movie ever made. It starts with an old videotape and some seeming caller ID spoofing seven days later. Terrifying imagery follows the calls. The original "Halloween" has all the feels of the holiday and "It" features some classically scary concepts, notably clowns. The special effects in "The Exorcist" stand up even though this one is older and if you want to meet a terrifying witch who has cursed a farmhouse and the land around it, then take a look at "The Conjuring". 


The original "Werewolf" seems a bit on the campy side now but there are new and improved werewolves that are much scarier. In "Ginger Snaps" two sisters encounter a werewolf and their whole world starts to change. In  "An American Werewolf in London", two American backpackers are attacked by a werewolf in the English countryside. It has some funny moments but the werewolf transformation in this film is horrifying.


"Interview With the Vampire" is an epic story and in the world of the film, it seems natural and believable that vampires have always existed in New Orleans. "The Lost Boys" takes teenage gangs to a whole new level and "Fright Night" has the most hideous vampires you have ever seen.


If zombies are your thing, and you're addicted to "The Walking Dead", you need to see the origins of the film zombie in "Night of the Living Dead". There is nothing scarier than a little girl zombie, as you'll find out. This movie just gets better every time you watch it.


Ghosts are a Halloween classic. You might think there couldn't possibly be any new ghost stories to tell, but you'd be wrong. "The Sixth Sense" is startling, scary and the plot has a big twist. 

"The Crow" is a very dark movie and features an avenging ghost. To make it even scarier, the star, Brandon Lee, died during the making of the film. "Poltergeist" is what happens when you build houses on cemeteries but there are many new twists to the haunted house motif.

"The Orphanage" is home to some of the scariest ghosts you will ever see while in "The Others" you won't quite know who is alive and who is doing the haunting.

"Sleepy Hollow" is a gorgeous, moody and scary remake of the classic Headless Horseman tale. If it doesn't get you in the Halloween mood, nothing will.


Be prepared to watch "Donnie Darko" more than once since it might not make sense the first time. The soundtrack is great and the rabbit is truly scary. Alien movies can be downright hokie and ridiculous, but not "Signs". In the very brief part of the movie when you first see an alien, you will probably scream out loud.

Campy and Funny

The following won't really scare you, but will still give you the Halloween feels. They are all suitable for mixed company, except for "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". Add "The Addams Family",  "Beetlejuice", "Ernest Scared Stupid", "Ghostbusters", "The Witches" and "Hocus Pocus" to your family movie night lineup.


"The Halloween Tree" explains the origins of today's Halloween customs and "Arsenic and Old Lace" is a funny and scary classic that just might make you nostalgic for an earlier time.


For cute, you can't beat these two animated movies. "Kiki's Delivery Service" is about a lovable witch-in-training and Jack, in "The Nightmare Before Christmas", discovers a whole new holiday.

Halloween is one of the best holidays for movie-watching and the best thing is, they can be as scary or as cute as you want.