How Boosting your ELO in League of Legends can Save a lot of Time and Nerves

How Boosting your ELO in League of Legends can Save a lot of Time and Nerves

Playing League of Legends only for entertainment is not a challenge and even relaxing, but if you are one of those players who want to boost their ELO on their accounts, then you should be prepared for a big challenge. Boosting your ELO is never easy, especially if you are not fully familiar with League of Legends. However, there are some tips that you can use to boost your ELO much more easily. These tips can save you a lot of time and nerves. Also, there are many things while boosting your ELO that you should not do. Avoiding these can also save you a lot of time and nerves. We have listed the most important factors that you should do while boosting your ELO and how they can save a lot of time and nerves for you.

Focus on Playing Ranked and Boosting your ELO

First things first, you should understand that the best thing you can do for boosting your account is just to play more and more ranked games. This is not simply because you only gain more ELO in ranked games. It is due to the factor that as you play more ranked games you gain more and more experience in this field. This means you become a better player as you play more ranked games. Moreover, do not worry about your initial win rate. We know that boosting your ELO requires high win rates (such as 80-90%) but there is just no shortcut to getting these rates. So be patient, focus on playing more ranked games and get as much experience as you can.

If you only focus on playing ranked games and do not play other modes of the game, you will be very surprised about how fast you are going to boost your ELO.  However, if you think that you need to practice in some normal games or other modes such as ARAM, you will just spend your time if your only aim is to boost your ELO. Of course, you may play these modes for fun purposes. But do not think like you should practice some games before going into ranked matches. In other words, do not be afraid of playing ranked games! Even if you lose you will gain experience not only for gameplay mechanics but also controlling your stress and emotions in a ranked game. Initially, it is okay to lose some games. They are just for you to gain experience. So do not expect to have 90% win rates at the start of this process. Eventually, you will get to a point where you would have much higher win rates and long win streaks. This is how you can save a lot of time in your boosting ELO journey.

Do Not Lose Yourself in Details

We know that many players who are trying to boost ELO always learn new details of the game by using the sources on the internet. Since the community of League of Legends is huge there are thousands of tips, tricks, advantageous spots, etc. Of course, they might be very useful while boosting your ELO in League of Legends, however, if you always keep your head on to these sources and spend too much time with them, you might lose in details and forget your basic gameplay. This means that if you watched and read so many tricks and other sources, you will start to overcomplicate many basic things in League of Legends. This can be using combos of a champion for ganking with teammates. So try to keep everything simple and focus on your own gameplay. If you have the knowledge of basic game concepts, only a few tricks would be enough for you to get more kills and wins. Keep everything simple, and try to stay within your limits. 

Another issue with this is that you will find yourself playing less ranked games and therefore you will have less chance to boost your ELO in League of Legends. If you overcomplicate things and always try to find better tricks and spend hours watching tutorials or tip videos, you will have less time to play. Remember that playing more ranked games is the best method to boost your own ELO in the game. Another simple option can be using a boosting service like Boosting Boss which will do it for you.

Win Rate Specification

We have always said that ELO boosting should be a fast process and you should always try to win. Thus, your win rate should be 80-90% on average. But we have also stated that this cannot be achieved in the first phases. After you gain more and more experience by practicing more and learning some extra game knowledge, you will get to these win rates. As reaching these rates are important, also analyzing your numbers are very crucial.

Here are few tips about specifying your win rate:

  • Never take all of your games into account when you are trying to calculate your win rate after you started getting good. For example, as we have said earlier, you need to practice very much to get to a good level and you will lose many games until you get there. So do not take into account those games as they were the games when you were not really good.

  • Take into account your recent games. If they are 80-90% above, then you are going perfect. You are now boosting your own ELO in your account in LoL. But do not get distracted by this fact and try to keep this win rate at these levels.

  • If you have been playing for long but your win rate is still not 80-90%, do not panic. It only means that you still have a way to go. If you feel stuck, try to change your role or specific champion.

  • You can also consider the above 65-70% win rate as a great number. You are not really performing like a booster at this point but your performance is significantly higher. With these rates, you can still boost your ELO but slower. Try to keep these rates higher!