GUEST EDITORIAL: 4 Tips for Creating the Ideal Outdoor Movie Setup

4 Tips for Creating the Ideal Outdoor Movie Setup

by Kevin Gardner

Watching movies in any setting is usually a lot of fun. However, it's hard to beat having a movie session outside! You get a change of pace, you can easily watch with several people and the aesthetic is excellent. However, you may not know how to start setting this up. So, here are four tips for creating the ideal outdoor movie setup to beat the summer blues.

1. Use a Pool

When it comes to fun outdoor activities, few things can beat hanging out in the pool. Because of this, while it may seem irregular, you might want to hang in the pool during your movie! If this sounds fun, you'll want to figure out some logistics. First, you'll need to actually get a pool. In order to do this, you might want to consult pool loan companies. Next, you'll have to find a place to project the movie. Since it should be near the water, you won't have many options available. Finally, it's important to figure out some options for lounging. Who doesn't enjoy laying back while watching a flick? So, although you're in a pool, you may want to find ways for viewers to relax. Look for inflatable pool lounges for people to hang in. If your pool has a shallow side, you could also get water-safe pillows for the edge. Finally, be sure to get a lot of towels. 

2. Get a Projector Setup

In order to make the perfect outdoor movie experience, you must get a projector setup. Sure, you could simply bring a TV outside. However, this may not provide a large enough screen for viewers. This is also dubious as water could get on the television. So, you'll want to look for projectors. When looking, be sure to find one that can resist the elements. After all, watching an outside movie during some light rain could be fun! Also, you may need to invest in a screen. Look at your outdoor area. Is there a blank wall where a movie could be projected on? If not, a screen will be necessary. In the event that you don't want to buy this, you can always use a large sheet or another blank object.

3. Put Up Lights

If you're looking to watch a movie outside, lighting is essential. First, consider what time of day you can watch the flick. Unless it's very cloudy outside, it's unlikely that a movie can be seen during the day. So, watching the film during the evening or at night is probably best. If you decide to do this, you may want to set up some lights. Otherwise, it could be really hard to walk around or locate snacks. One of the best options to consider is string lights. These lights are absolutely adorable and can certainly set the mood. Also, you can find versions that fit your movie. For instance, there are pineapple and flamingo string lights. You may also want to get stronger lights for the important areas. Finally, if you're using a pool, it's essential to have lights in or around it. Safety first!

4. Make it Comfy

While getting all of the technical elements is important, you need to spend ample time getting comfy! Start by bringing some basic lawn chairs outside. This can allow for an easy watching experience, especially if you or your friends have sore backs. Next, bring out some tarps or weather-resistant blankets. These items can let tired viewers lay back and lounge. Since the ground isn't exactly comfortable, you might want to use a few layers of the tarp or blanket. Once you've laid out your foundation, it's time to bring out some comfy items! First, gather some pillows from your house. Be sure to avoid ones that won't fare well outside. If you don't have enough pillows, you can always use furniture cushions. You may also want to put out some neck pillows, specifically for those with orthopedic issues

While the perfect outdoor movie setup is certainly objective, these tips can help guide you during the process. Get creative and have fun setting up!