GUEST EDITORIAL: Shilajit: Its Uses and its Dosage

Shilajit its uses and its dosage 

Shilajit is an ancient medicine commonly used as ayurvedic medicines. It is a very viscous and sticky in nature and mainly find in the rocks of Himalayan regions. It is made up after decomposition of plants parts for millions of years. It is a mineral based extract of blackish brown in color and it is made up of a very sticky and gummy kind of substance. It consists of so many minerals inside it like iron, copper, silver, zinc etc. Before taking shilajit, there are side effects you may get taking shilajit. Check with a doctor.

Precautionary effects of shilajit 

As Shilajit consists of many heavy metals like iron zinc silver free radicals etc which if goes inside the body leads to contamination and make you sick. It may lead to poisoning and also increase the toxin levels inside body , so you should not consume raw and unprocessed Shilajit you should use it after complete purification.

Don’t take Shilajit with your other medications or as supplement or if you are having sickle cell anemia or thalasemia. It is also suggested that it should not be taken in Gout disease. In some cases it is also observed that you should not take Shilajit if you are feeling allergic or rashes or nauseous after having it

Dosage and how to use Shilajit 

Shilajit is obtained in liquid form but available in both liquid and powder form , if you are taking it in liquid form take it in balance of or equal to the size of a single grain or if you are taking it in powder form take it with milk. Dosage is very important and to be concerned about. Always take it according to preferences and according to its target actions , it’s dosage concern is very important otherwise it will leads to toxification.

The recommended dosage is 200-300 mg per day but before taking it please do consult with your doctor first. In market Shilajit capsules are also available take it with the lukewarm water in  prescribed dosage. It is suggested to take Shilajit in the morning or before sleeping at night. Wondering how to take shilajit, then you can read the blog and get much details.

Shilajit has so many beneficial effects

  • It is very beneficial for maintenance of cardiovascular health but if you are having active health diseases, please don’t take or consult with health care advisor first.

  • Shilajit is good in infertility especially for men. It enhances the sperm count by more production and also helps in increasing the sperm motility which increases the fertility. 

  • Shilajit is also good for anemic patients having symptoms of fatigue, headache etc. It helps in increasing the red blood cell count ultimately maintain the iron balance by increasing its level.

  • It is also very helpful in aging. It consists of many components but one of the main components is fulvic acid, which have a very great anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and helps protect against toxins and free radicals and delaying the aging process.

  • Shilajit also helps in increasing the testosterone levels in male ultimately enhancing the fertility.

  • Shilajit is also very helpful and beneficial in Alzheimer’s disease.