How Movie Promoters Can Win Fans for Their Movies


Many movie promoters are struggling to win fans for their movies. This can be especially true when the movie is a low-budget or indie film. Promoting your film doesn't have to be complex, though! 

There are many ways you can upgrade your movie with little effort and make an impact on people who might not know about it otherwise. This blog post will provide helpful tips that should help you get more fans for your next movie!

Emulate Creative Techniques from Marketing Gurus

The best way to get people excited about your movie is to emulate techniques used by other marketers such as ShamWow Guy who has been successful in promoting the slap chop kitchen gadget. Give fans something to look forward to, too, like a release date or teaser trailer. This will have them check back for updates and increase buzz about the project while still in development. You can also use this to build anticipation for a new teaser trailer.

Have a contest where you can create excitement by hosting competitions via social media or your website where fans have the chance to win special prizes, such as signed memorabilia and movie tickets. This will generate buzz about the upcoming movies and help promote ticket sales once they're released.

And lastly, a competition. This has a similar effect to the contest, but it is based on themes, making people more likely to participate. For example, you could host a "Who can make the best fan art?" or "Which t-shirt design for this movie will sell the most?".

Have Multiple Movie Review Sites Review Your Movie

Many websites review movies. Look through a list of places, and contact each one to see if they would be willing to review the film you promote. Many reviewers will even send out free copies for people who promise an honest review. Promote your movie in their press releases, so potential viewers learn about it too!

Find a Relatable Hashtag to Reference Your Movie

Promoting your movie can be incredibly difficult, especially if you're trying to get it out there in a saturated market. It's easy enough for those who love watching movies online or at the theater (and anyone who doesn't), but what about people who say they don't like going because of how expensive it is? If that's the type of person you're trying to get in front of your movie, then it's time for some clever marketing.

That doesn't mean you have to start cutting back on making trailers or doing all sorts of other promotional activities. It just means that people need a good reason to see your film instead of something else playing at the local theater. That's why you need to get creative with how you promote your movie and find a relatable hashtag that people can use when talking about it online, whether on Twitter or even Instagram if they're looking for something new in their life.

The movie industry's best promotional tool is word-of-mouth. Fans love movies and talk about them with their friends, family, coworkers, and anyone who will listen. When a fan loves your film, they cannot wait to tell people all about it! This is why actors are willing to take pay cuts or work for free on indie films because they know it will be worth their time.