PODCAST: Episode 18 of "The Cinephile Hissy Fit" Podcast
For our 18th episode, 25YL film critics, frenetic dads, and dormant school teachers Will Johnson and Don Shanahan welcome back Phoenix film critic Ben Cahlamer for the second of two special request science fiction episodes. Last time, the love was very shared for 1982's Blade Runner. As gorgeous as the sequel is, there were less bouquets thrown in the direction of Blade Runner 2049 from the trio. What was rich last time gets a little more spicy this time around. Come for the shared challenge and tirade and stay for the mutual love and respect for the fun movies encapsulate. Enjoy our podcast!
Ben Cahlamer is the editor-in-chief of The Movie Revue. He also contributes stellar work to The Cinema Files. Mr. Cahlamer is also the LGBTQ Film Programmer for the Phoenix Film Festival. The man is tremendously and clearly classier than Will and Don. Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Letterboxd.
Image courtesy of Rumination Radio Network