GUEST EDITORIAL: Golden Tips on How to Write a Movie Review


Golden Tips on How to Write a Movie Review

by Adrian Lomezzo

Writing a movie review ranks among the most daunting tasks students encounter. Besides getting used to watching movies for fun, identifying a subject to write about and picking out the key points from a movie can prove daunting. 

For this, we have highlighted various tips to keep in mind as you write your movie review, ensuring the quality of your essay. You could also consider seeking a Dissertation Team to help you hone your skills in writing a movie review, thus easily managing your assignments. 

Tips for writing a movie review

1. Watch the movie at least twice

Although an assignment may tackle a movie you have previously watched, you could have watched it for entertainment purposes, missing the key points within the plot of your essay. Ideally, watch the movie at least two times while taking notes and paying attention to the finer details within your paper. 

When doing this, identify the key elements supporting your arguments and highlight the timeframe where each idea is expressed. This will allow you to tackle the ideas in depth and to connect your arguments throughout the portions where they are expressed in your essay. 

2. Start with a hook

When starting your movie review, begin with a hook that captures the essence of your paper. The hook should evoke your reader’s interest and introduce your paper’s thesis. 

Some ways to start your review include using relevant rhetorical questions, highlighting a key scene relevant to your paper, and using a quote that highlights your arguments. 

3. Offer your perspective

When writing your movie review, refrain from retelling the occurrences in the movie, opting to share your opinions of the movie. Also, show your criticism for the theme under discussion to give your reader an original perspective of the movie. 

You could consider visiting various discussions on the topic to identify various approaches to writing a topic, thus offering unique arguments supporting your stance. You could seek help and enjoy a killer papers discount to gain assistance.

4. Avoid spoilers

When writing professionally, it is ethical to avoid spoilers of the movie. As such, avoid disclosing any information about the occurrences in various scenes, opting instead to discuss the theme, character development, and other ideas without disclosing important information. 

5. Check professional reviews

A great way to familiarize yourself with the structure of a movie review is by reading various professional reviews. This will familiarize you with the tone for writing your paper and various sections to include within your review. 

Also, consider reading a movie review rubric to understand the grading criteria used by tutors when grading this type of paper. 

6. Draw an outline

Before writing your paper, organize your points in an outline to achieve a better flow and coherence in your narration. Outlining your essay also helps you avoid the irrelevant arguments that could drive you from your key arguments.

Final Take

Writing a movie review should not cause you multiple sleepless nights. These tips should come in handy to help you write your movie review and secure a great score for your paper.