GUEST COLUMN: 5 Movies for Digital Marketers to Take Inspiration From


5 Movies for Digital Marketers to Take Inspiration From

by Nancy R. Fernandez

Approximately 97 percent of marketers believe that marketing-related films have boosted brand awareness by encouraging customer perception of their product or service via visual effects. According to 76% of marketers, marketing video improved revenue and visitors. According to 80% of respondents, marketing films have increased individuals' time buying.

Excellent goods and innovative marketing efforts need extensive study and imagination. We often look to case studies, TED presentations, business books, seminars, and courses to discover it. However, sometimes the most excellent method to shift one's viewpoint is to look for new information and ideas in sources that are not immediately relevant to the marketing such as blogger outreach services and business arena. Movies are ideal for this purpose. Good films provide viewers with condensed concepts that require hours of the complex cognitive process. So, as ardent moviegoers, we combed through many articles to compile this list of top 5 movies that would help you have a good time while also learning about marketing, sales, and business in general.

1. The LEGO Movie

How many other films do you know where the brand is the title? An excellent example of content marketing is The LEGO Movie because it shows what can happen when we go deeper into having some fun with the creative potential inside our products and teams. You don't have to be the villain. You are the most gifted, fascinating, and exceptional individual in the universe. You are capable of incredible feats, and so is everyone else. The prophecy is fictitious, yet it is also true. It's all about us. Also, It's all about you right now. And you still can alter everything.

2. Boiler Room

Ben Affleck and Vin Diesel are young and dressed strangely in this film. However, that is not the only advantage of this film. It portrays the tale of two teenage stock dealers who can sell anything, even items that don't exist. It's a great motivating post that explains how to remain strong in the face of adversity and why sometimes aggressive business tactics provide huge advantages. Boiler Room is a must-see for all sales professionals, particularly those attempting to make cold calling remarkable again.

3. Groundhog Day

While our jobs aren't as repetitive as others, some work components may seem disturbingly familiar with time. Groundhog Day reminds us that even when our tiny world seems to be the same, we can create different realities by altering how we interact with it. Perhaps it isn't a curse. It all depends on your perspective.

4. The Social Network

If you're starting a business and facing challenges, this film can help you discover answers to some critical concerns. It relates the narrative of how recognizing a problem that many people are bothered by and then devising an inventive solution may shift consumer behavior and challenge old perceptions. We promise that after seeing it, you will agree, you will feel driven to do something new at work. It's a wonderfully uplifting and educational film that shows you that tremendous success can only be attained by hard effort and conquering complex business and personal problems.

5. Dead Poets Society

It is a film on innovative approaches to ordinary tasks. It is about impressing, surprising, and keeping the target audience with ideas and concepts that are unique and ugly yet so appealing that once you encounter them, you become a fan. This film is packed with sarcasm, humor, and Robin Williams' flawless performance. Despite how ludicrous it may seem, Dead Poets Society is a 1989 film on modern marketing techniques.


What's not to love about this? You've got your food situation exactly so, a nice beverage nearby, and nothing to do except walk about and be amused for the next 1.5+ hours. However, as pleasant as this emotion is, it is enhanced when there is an additional cause to be thrilled about the feature presentation. While Hollywood's scriptwriters haven't given marketers too many leading parts (the nerve!), they have created a few scenarios of particular interest to professionals like us. The next time you have a few hours to kill, look for some helpful pleasure in the form of the five films listed above.