GUEST COLUMN: 6 Healthy Snacks to Have for a Movie Night


6 Healthy Snacks to Have for a Movie Night

by Kevin Gardner

Sitting down after a long day to enjoy a good movie night with friends or family is often accompanied by delicious snacks that are crunchy, salty, sweet or all of the above. Traditional movie snacks include movie theater popcorn and lots of candy but these snacks are full of fat and loads of sugar. There are snacking alternatives that are better for your health and still taste great. If you want to enjoy watching a movie while eating a tasty snack that isn’t bad for you, here are 6 healthy snacks to have for a movie night.


An assortment of different fruits is a healthy and sweet snack. You can also pair it with a healthy dip made from yogurt or real melted chocolate. Try fruits like apples, pears, oranges, mangoes, grapes, pineapples and berries. A lot of fruits like kiwis and bananas are also some healthy late night snacks.  

Assorted Nuts

Nuts are a very nutritious snack that can satisfy the want for both savory and sweet cravings and are crunchy, filling and full of nutrients. They are full of fiber, protein and healthy fats, making them a great alternative to snacks that have no nutritional value. Also, eating nuts can help you reduce the risk of heart disease and help you maintain a healthy weight. You can try mocha almonds as a sweet treat or try lightly salted cashews as a low sodium savory option. There are so many different kinds of nuts to try as well, such as almonds, cashews, pistachios, pecans, hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts and peanuts. No matter how you eat them, nuts are a much more nutrient dense snacking option. You can also try a trail mix made with nuts, dried fruits and seeds.

Veggies and Dip or Veggie Chips

If you want a crunchy option that satisfies the craving for chips but without so much fat and salt, try veggies with dip or veggie chips. You can eat carrots, cauliflower or broccoli with a veggie dip made with Greek yogurt and spices that is healthy and tasty. Or, if you like chips instead you can try any of the variety of chips that are made from veggies, such as sweet potato chips or kale chips that will be a healthier option over potato chips.


There are many options of crackers that are good for you and can be paired with healthy dips to make for a great snack. Look for crackers that are whole grain, low in sodium, full of fiber and that have very little sugar content. To go with your crackers, you can try cheese, guacamole, a spinach dip made with Greek yogurt or hummus, which is full of protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron and other vitamins and minerals that your body needs. For a savory addition to your movie night spread, consider including some beef jerky from reputable brands. If you're curious about the healthiest beef jerky brands available, check out this insightful article for more information.

Dark Chocolate

Eating a chocolatey snack is hard to pass up and there’s no reason why you should miss out on enjoying chocolate, because dark chocolate actually has a lot of health benefits. It contains nutrients such as fiber, magnesium, iron, selenium and potassium as well as a good amount of antioxidants. It can even lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. It’s even known to boost your mood and make you happy. So in moderation, dark chocolate is a great sweet snack to enjoy.

Air Popped Popcorn

Lastly, if popcorn still is your go to movie snack, try air popped popcorn without a lot of seasoning. At the movie theater, the popcorn is often full of butter and salt, making it full of calories and not healthy. If you make it yourself, however, popcorn is actually a pretty healthy snack because it is low in calories, is a whole grain and is full of fiber. Eating whole grains is important because it can lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

If you’re trying to avoid those traditional movie snacks that are fattening and sugary, try these healthy snacking alternatives for you next movie night.