GUEST EDITORIAL: What Movies About Real-Life Scandals Can Teach Us


What Movies About Real-Life Scandals Can Teach Us

by Adrian Johansen

Everyone loves a good scandal on the big screen. Heist movies are always popular. Thrillers never go out of style. Fictional tales of celebrities and political figures in hot water draw in huge audiences. 

But, what about movies that depict real-life scandals?

Plenty of films are based on true stories. Although many take some creative licenses, popular movies like The Big Short, American Hustle, The Informant!, and even Erin Brockovich have given moviegoers a peek into real-life scandals that changed the course of history in one way or another. 

In the end, do these movies about real-life scandals do anything aside from provide us with entertainment? Can we learn anything from films depicting real-life scandals? The answer is a resounding yes. Even if we learn nothing more than not to let history repeat itself, a look inside some of the most dramatic scandals on film can teach us a lot about ourselves, our culture, and how to avoid getting caught up in scandals of our own. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of those lessons and some specific films that can help. 

Movies and Morality Issues

While many movies about real-life scandals deal with celebrities, royalty, and politicians, some hit a bit closer to home. One of the best examples in recent years is 2013’s The Wolf of Wall Street. Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, the movie shows Belfort’s rise to riches in the stock market as he manipulates investors by inflating the prices of unregulated penny stocks his brokerage owned. It’s called a “pump-and-dump” strategy in the stock market, and it made Belfort millions. His schemes afforded him anything he could possibly want, but they also led to a life of crime and corruption. 

The interesting thing about this movie is that Belfort was nothing more than a “regular guy” when he first started out. Whether you work in the corporate world or simply work with other people on a daily basis, you can think about this film from a moral standpoint. How far is the average person willing to go to make money? Would you manipulate others to get rich quickly? Films like these can cause us to question our own morals, and make it easy to see just how far some people are willing to go to have it all. 

Not Repeating History

Some scandals can be difficult to understand. The general public often only sees what news outlets are willing to share. Movies can make some of these real-world scandals easier to grasp, even if they take some creative liberties in the process. Some examples include:

  • Margin Call

  • Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

  • The Insider

  • Catch Me if You Can

  • Too Big to Fail

Some of the worst scandals in history have been made clearer through movies. For example, the Enron scandal was one of the biggest accounting scandals the U.S. has ever seen. While most people have heard of it, not everyone understood the depth of what the company did, the crimes it committed, or what its fraudulent behaviors actually led to. Even 2002’s Catch Me If You Can brings to light the inner workings of a conman and how easy it can be for someone to steal an identity and scam hundreds of individuals. 

While these actual events are educational in keeping our country and our personal lives more secure, the movies depicting them are often easier to understand and more memorable. The lessons audiences learn from them can be even more powerful than watching a story unfold on the news. 

Lessons on How to Avoid Scandals

Speaking of lessons, some movies about real-life scandals can teach you how to avoid scams and corporate drama in your own life. Erin Brockovich is a perfect example. Based on a true story from a small town in California, the rest of the world likely would’ve never known about the scandal between Hinkley and Pacific Gas and Electric Company if Julia Roberts wouldn’t have donned a pair of short-shorts and won an Oscar for the role. The people of Hinkley didn’t realize what they were entitled to until Brockovich started to fight for them. 

This film may have inspired many others across the country to speak up against corruption and scandal, even if it’s on a smaller scale. It showed people that the “underdog” can win with the right support and evidence. Movies that bring small-town stories and scandals to the big screen are some of the most influential and educational. This one, in particular, made a huge impact in Hollywood, and undoubtedly helped others across the country who may not have stood up for their rights before seeing it. 

Seeing a scandal unfold on the big screen is entertaining, whether it’s fact or fiction. But, when you look past the entertainment value of these films, they actually have a lot to teach us about history, people, morality, and life. Keep that in mind the next time you watch a movie based on a true story. You might end up learning more than you expected.