Smoking & Vaping in Movies: 4 Cool Facts You Should Know


Smoking & Vaping in Movies: 4 Cool Facts You Should Know

In recent years, smoking and vaping scenes in movies have increased.  That may be because smoking rates are at an all-time low, so smoking is less of a taboo. It may also be that smoking and vaping can serve as a shorthand for rebellion or coolness. But whatever the motive, it seems clear that smoking scenes in movies will continue to increase – and this trend has some important public health consequences. Smoking is still the leading cause of preventable death worldwide (5 million people die every year). And smoking remains the most common form of substance abuse among teens; one out of three high school students smokes cigarettes regularly. So what should we make of these trends? What do they mean for smoking rates? How well does research translate into real life?

What do these facts mean for parents and teens?

First, it's important to be aware of the trend. If you're a parent, talk to your kids about smoking in movies and why it's not a good idea to start smoking. And if you're a teen, don't let smoking scenes influence your decision about whether or not to start smoking. Smoking is still dangerous, no matter what you see in the movies. With the wide range of disposable vapes, e-liquid containers, including those from a wax and dab pen provider, smoking receives a different connotation. Smoking rates among teenagers have increased due to the portrayal of smoking in movies as "cool" or "rebellious." Parents should talk to their children about the dangers of smoking and the long-term effect it has on our bodies.

4 Facts about smoking and vaping in movies you should know

How often do we watch a movie and see a person smoking in it? How often does that capture our attention, and does it just slip by unnoticed? Either way, it is no secret that a lot of movies have smoking scenes in them, and we are here to discuss some cool and interesting facts, you probably did not know about smoking in movies. How did smoking enter the movie scene, what type of effect does it have on characters, and other interesting facts await you in the paragraphs below.


1. Smoking adds flair to the character

Smoking has often been used as a way to make characters look cool or tough. For example, in the 1967 James Bond film "You Only Live Twice", Sean Connery's character is seen smoking a cigarette while he is being held captive by villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld. In the 2010 film "Inception", Leonardo DiCaprio's character is seen smoking a cigarette while trying to figure out what is real and what is not. This scene creates a sense of unease and tension. Smoking and vaping have also been used as a way to add drama and intrigue to movies since the early days of cinema. One of the most popular films to feature smoking and vaping is "The Wolf of Wall Street." The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as stockbroker Jordan Belfort. In one scene, Belfort is even seen smoking a cigar while taking a shower!

2. The first cigarette smoking character appeared in a film in 1903

One of the earliest examples is the cigarette smoking monkey in the 1903 film "The Great Train Robbery." In the early days of Hollywood, smoking was often used as a prop to make actors look more glamorous. This is no longer the case, as smoking is now generally seen as unhealthy and unappealing. Moreover, smoking and vaping are not just limited to human characters in movies. Although animation is changing the world of movies, smoking remains present. In the 2014 film "The LEGO Movie," one of the main characters is a smoking monkey. Despite the negative connotations of smoking, there are still some films that feature smoking in a positive light. One example is the 2006 film "Thank You for Smoking," which is a satire of the tobacco industry.

3. The tobacco and movie industry were much closer than you think

Tobacco smoking and vaping have been in movies since they were invented. In fact, smoking cigarettes has been used in movies to make characters look tough or cool since the early days of cinema. Even though we now know that smoking is bad for your health, it still continues to be featured prominently in films. To be more precise, between the years 1920 and 1950, the tobacco and movie industry worked tightly together on promoting cigarettes on screen. Approximately two out of three stars were seen on-screen either promoting or smoking a cigarette. In the early 1950s, the tobacco industry shifts its attention to TV more than movies. 

4. Today, many studios join the ban on smoking in their movies

In the early 2000s, many movie studios began to enforce a ban on smoking in their movies. This was largely due to the fact that smoking is bad for your health and can often be seen as unappealing. Furthermore, smoking for teens has been a real issue people had to deal with. Some of the earliest movie studios to implement a smoking ban were Disney, Universal, and 20th Century Fox. Today, most major movie studios have a smoking ban in place. This includes companies like Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures, and Sony Pictures Entertainment. 


Additional facts about smoking and vaping you should know

  • Smoking doesn't just happen in R-rated films. In fact, smoking is more common in PG-13 movies than in R-rated ones.

  • Teens who see smoking in movies are more likely to start smoking themselves. This effect is especially strong for girls.

  • Smoking scenes tend to glamorize smoking, making it seem like a cool and sophisticated activity.

Since smoking and vaping are often portrayed in movies, we wanted to share 4 facts about smoking and vaping that you should know. In general, smoking is rarely shown as an attractive habit on film nowadays. It’s usually used for a sense of tension or drama. However, some filmmakers have been experimenting with the counterintuitive idea of making smoking look cool again by using it prominently in scenes where characters would frequently turn to cigarettes. Finally, there are a few films that take smoking and vaping and use it in a more creative way, incorporating them into the story or plot in a unique way.