Turning Your Backyard into the Perfect Movie Theatre

Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/MAYsdoYpGuk

Turning Your Backyard into the Perfect Movie Theatre

Do you know what’s better than catching the latest blockbuster movies at your local cinema? Having your own backyard theater! A backyard movie theater is a customized, comfortable space where you can watch movies and play by your own rules. You can wear pajamas, bring whatever snacks you like, and never have to worry about strangers ruining your experience.

While traditional movie theaters have specific time slots for each film, having your own backyard movie theater means that you can enjoy a premium watching experience anytime you feel like it. Keep reading for tips on how you can turn your backyard into a fun and exciting movie theater.

1. Set up a projector

First things first, get yourself a reliable projector because it’ll be the foundation of your backyard home theater. You want a product that has the capacity to produce a clear picture and sound. There are different sizes out there but size doesn’t really matter. What’s important is to get a projector that’s easy to use and durable enough to handle being moved around constantly. For best results, make sure that you place your projector on a stool or table during the set-up.

2. Get a white sheet

A plain white sheet is a great solution if you don’t have the time or resources to get a projector screen. The advantage of using a sheet is that you can choose whatever size you want. However, it’s important to pull it super tight otherwise it could get all wrinkly, especially on windy nights.

3. Get a sound system

You want to make sure that the sound you use is perfect. If you choose to use a Bluetooth speaker, make sure that it’s fully charged before the movie so that it won’t disturb the moment. If you’re using other speakers make sure that they’re connected well so they won't go off while watching.

4. Chose the perfect spot to set up

If your back yard doesn’t have enough space for a complete movie theater setup you can use the front yard or the driveway to set your projector against the garage leaving yourself enough space to set other things up. The most important thing is to find a spot that has enough space to set up the equipment and comfortable seating for everyone involved. This is why proper care for your outdoor furniture is so important so that it’s available to use when you need it.

5. Make it stylish

Because a movie can take hours (and you may want to do movie marathons, too) it’s important to provide a wide range of comfortable seating options. Some people might prefer comfy cushions while others prefer the support of a chair or stool. 

Either way, try and make sure that everything is nice and comfortable. Remember to provide some blankets in case there’s a chilly evening breeze, and make sure that there’s a consistent color theme with all your furniture and accessories so your movie theater can be as stylish as can be.

6. Be mindful

If you have close neighbors around, make sure you don't cause too much noise since others may be tired after a long day at work. Keep your gathering fun but cool and low-key unless it’s the weekend and you have an understanding with your neighbors.

7. Of course, it can’t be fun without snacks

No party is complete without food and snacks, and this goes for movie night as well. Sure, popcorn and soda are fun but why not throw in some smores, hot chocolate, and nachos for fun? Make sure to prepare your snacks ahead of time and consider preparing healthy options for health-conscious guests as well. You want everyone to enjoy the freedom to choose what they want to eat.