Cryptocurrency: A Hiker’s Paradise


Cryptocurrency: A Hiker’s Paradise

Cryptocurrency is a buzz word that has been doing quite the rounds these days. Many have made huge profits in this venture, while others have incurred losses So what exactly is this new form of currency and what sets it apart from existing ones? Let’s delve deep into its working and find out its intricacies, click here.

Trading has become more and more popular as it has become an important part of people’s daily routine. Since this is becoming easy on trading computers and convenient in a great way. Surely you have heard about cryptocurrency as it has been used all over the world mainly by our youth population. So if you don’t know what cryptocurrency is, you should know it as it is a virtual currency or can say is a digital currency that can be used worldwide. 

What is cryptocurrency?

A form of digital currency, cryptocurrency or crypto in short, has been around for quite a while. It is any form of currency which uses cryptography to encrypt and secure transactions. This means that all the transactions are locked with keys belonging only to the sender and receiver. Cryptocurrency has no central issuing or regulating authority. Like cash is stored in a wallet, crypto is stored in digital wallets which are basically databases storing information about how much money do people have.

Why has it gained popularity?

One of the major benefits of crypto is anonymity. Since all data is encrypted, it becomes very hard to trace an account to an owner. Another advantage is that all accounts are maintained in a blockchain. In simple terms, each person has a database storing how much currency another person has. Therefore, cheating the server becomes next to impossible and hence there is an added level of security. A sudden surge in crypto buying led to its value increasing sharply. Noticing the short term benefits of having crypto, more and more people bought crypto leading to a domino effect.

More about Crypto

Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency to circulate, and remains one of the most widely traded and known cryptos. Its value has gone up from less than a penny (0.09$) to over $60k over the years and it was the backbone to the crypto rush of the 2010s. Many people “mined” Bitcoin in hopes to get their hands on a few. “Mining” Bitcoin is running an algorithm on a computer which attempts to crack the encryption which protects Bitcoin. Once the key to the encryption matches, the miner gains access to that coin which he can store for himself someplace safe.

Different types of cryptocurrency

There are thousands and thousands of crypto currency in the market as we all know if something becomes popular, the competition between different companies begin. So here is some of the example which are been popular and used by a lot of people:

  • Bitcoin: it was the one which came first in the market and won the market in very less time. As it is also used by a lot with big traders even after the higher competition. 

  • Ethereum: It is the second cryptocurrency which won the people’s heart after the bitcoin. It was developed in 2015 and is still traded by a lot of people.

  • Litecoin: It is one of the crypto currencies which is more like Bitcoin, but have more pros like faster transaction and withdrawal. 

  • Ripple: Ripple was founded in 2012 and is not just a crypto currency as it can also use to trace the transaction. 

Is crypto currency guarded?

The most common thing which people are concerned of is if is it safe or guarded to buy or trade the crypto currency or not? So the answer to your question is here: Yes, as it is built by using one of the safest technologies which is Blockchain technology. So you will probably be thinking what does blockchain do? So the blockchain technology helps to record all your transactions in a block which is generally are time stamps. So as every transaction is recorded it is very difficult for any technophile to get into in. 

Secure, encrypted, and available to all

Let us have a look at how a blockchain works. Data is saved in a database, which creates a network; this is a centralised method of storing data. The database in blockchain is distributed among the nodes of the computer network in crypto currency to maintain a secure and "decentralised" record of transactions without the involvement of a third party, blockchain consists of data together in a group, block hold certain amount of data and when they get filled, they are linked to previously filled block which forms a data chain called block chain.

How to store crypto currency?

So the next question arises is how to store crypto currency? As the main concern of storing the crypto currency is to guard it from all the frauds and technophile. For this the solution is to store the crypto currency in the wallet, as they are the key protected physical devices. There are two different types of wallet and they are: 

  • Hot wallet storage 

  • Cold wallet storage

An idea formulated with a basic understanding of blockchain has turned into a technological revolution. Cryptocurrency aims to become a viable currency in the near future, although the lack of a regulating authority has left many countries levying heavy taxes and discouraging the use of crypto. Although the future of crypto is unsure, the topic has surely gained a lot of interest with people studying blockchain and cryptology in order to understand and implement more types of cryptocurrency. 

After knowing all about crypto currency, now you can conclude if you have to buy it or not as now you know it is safe or not and after buying it how to store it. Day by day this selling and purchasing had increased the popularity of cryptocurrency and people are keeping more of these in their digital wallets. Hence entering a new era of cashless currencies.