GUEST COLUMN: Best Movies That Take Place in Texas


Best Movies That Take Place in Texas

by Lewis Robinson

Texas is one of the most notable states in the whole United States of America, and there are plenty of good reasons for this. When it comes to the realm of cinematic excellence, there are plenty of movies that take place in the Longhorn State, showcasing its landscapes and unique marvels. In this article, you'll learn about some of the best movies that take place in the great state of Texas.

Paris, Texas

Paris, Texas is a masterful work that presents some of the most stunning photographic landscapes of Texas ever committed to film. The plot of the movie is dramatic without being over the top, following the tale of two brothers who are striving to repair their relationship after years of being absent from each other's lives. The film features lots of rural locations around Texas, while also venturing into cities and showing plenty of charming Texas hotels similar to the Marriott Odessa.


Richard Linklater is one of the most notable filmmakers to come out of Texas, and his masterwork Boyhood is a love letter to growing up in Texas. The movie takes place primarily in Austin, showcasing many of the most popular locations in and around the city. This film, as the title suggests, follows the life of a young boy growing up and learning the complexities of life, family, and responsibility.

What makes this movie so unique is that it was filmed over the course of a few decades. The movie uses the same cast too, so it gives it a very intimate feel. Linklater spread out the filming of the movie, capturing footage every few years, so it also serves as a time capsule of Austin and its surrounding areas.

No Country For Old Men

No Country For Old Men is an award-winning picture that carries some of the most sparse photographic imagery of Texas. Created by the Cohen Brothers in 2007, the movie is known for some of its memorable characters, such as the villain played by the menacing and captivating Javier Bardem. The movie captures several locations in Texas, highlighting rural areas and majestic backdrops.

Dazed and Confused

Richard Linklater deserves another spot on this list due to one of the most impactful Texan movies of all time: Dazed and Confused. This movie not only serves as a testament to the beauty of growing up in Texas, but it is also one of the most notable cultural movies of the recent past. The movie is a bit of an anomaly too, as nothing much happens; the audience is simply watching a group of teenagers as they transition from high school into the real world.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

If horror movies are your thing, then you can't miss The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This horror classic, loosely based on the real-life crimes of Ed Gein, follows a group of young adults as they travel out of town for a fun getaway. Chaos ensues when they decide to pick up a hitchhiker with some worrying stories to tell.

Dallas Buyer's Club

Matthew McConaughey stars in this realistic portrait of the AIDS epidemic. The movie captures many aspects of Dallas throughout the years. It's a great drama with a touching human story at its core.

Office Space

Office Space has gone down in history as one of the most classic examples of workplace comedy. The movie follows the story of an average guy who just wants to live his life on his own terms, far away from the office and the hammer-fisted tyranny of his boss, Bill Lumbergh. The movie has received praise for its laugh-out-loud joke writing and its relatable premises.

The world of cinema is rife with examples of the beauty and wonder of the Longhorn State, as you can tell from the list of examples outlined above. Check out one of these movies the next time you are longing to see the beautiful state of Texas on film.