Step By Step Guide to Writing an Essay on Film For College Assignment 


Step By Step Guide to Writing an Essay on Film For College Assignment 

by Ruby Davey

If you are a film student or love watching movies, writing a film essay is one of your most straightforward tasks. All you have to do is watch a movie or read a novel that interests you and then analyze it by identifying its themes and characters' relationships. By hiring cheap assignment writing, you can quickly complete this task. You can also choose famous films like Titanic or The Dark Knight Rises as topics for your essay. 

This article will look at how to write an effective film essay from start to finish, from finding the right topic to choosing specific approaches for your thesis statement—also developing body paragraphs with examples from the movie.

Come up with a Topic

Now that you know what an essay is, it's time to pick a topic. The best way to come up with a subject is by choosing something that interests you and that you are knowledgeable about.

The topic should be interesting and engaging. You want to ensure that your reader will enjoy reading this essay as much as they would enjoy watching the movie itself.

The topic should be relevant. This means it has some connection or relevance to the rest of your paper. If you're writing about The Lord of the Rings trilogy, don't talk about how Legolas' hair looks in Fellowship of the Ring (unless there's something significant about it). Also, make sure not only does it relate well but also makes sense within context! Always double-check for clarity before publishing any blog post online! Remember, an excellent guide to college essay writing requires careful thought beforehand!".

Choose a Well-known Film or a Novel

Choosing a well-known film or novel is essential to writing your essay. You may select a movie you have seen before and can discuss in detail, or you could choose something recently released. Whatever you write about, make sure it is relevant to your topic. This will make it easier for you to write the paper while keeping the reader interested.

Look for Film Essay Topics on the Web and in Books

The next step is to look for film essay topics on the web and in books. Go to your library, or search for them online. You can start with the newspaper's website or a magazine or journal that covers movies and movie reviews. You can also check out your local library's collection of periodicals, like Entertainment Weekly (which has a feature called "50 Things That Made Us Smile"). You may want to browse through an encyclopedia as well. They sometimes contain listings of popular films by year or decade and provide basic information about their plotlines and casts.

Examine Character Relationships in the Movie

You can analyze the relationships between characters in your film. This is an effective way to show how the movie's central theme is developed. For example, if a father and son have a strained relationship like in Marvel movies, this might foreshadow conflict later in the story. Or if two lovers are separated by social status or something else that keeps them apart, their relationship will likely be resolved by the film's end (or not).

Your essay on character relationships should explain how each relationship relates to your chosen theme. And also what message it sends about how people should treat one another.

Analyze How Events Unfold, and Characters Develop in the Movie.

Now that you've summarized the movie, it's time to analyze how events unfold and characters develop in the film. The following are some questions you might consider answering:

  • How do the characters change throughout the story? Can they be described as static (unchanging) or dynamic (changing)? What attributes make them static or dynamic?

  • In what ways is this film similar to other movies in its genre? How does it differ from other films of its kind?

  • What are some themes of this movie? These are usually related to something that happens in a story but can also be about relationships between characters or ideas expressed by them.

Develop an Outline for the Essay

Next, you want to develop an outline for your essay. This will help you organize your ideas and ensure that they make sense together.

Your outline should be a simple list of points that flow from one to another. The introduction should introduce the topic and explain why it is necessary or interesting. It should also explain what you will cover in the essay's body. 

The body paragraphs should include examples and details about each point in your list. These will support the main idea expressed in each section. Finally, end with an appropriate conclusion that draws all those ideas together into a coherent whole! It may take some time before you're able to write anything down on paper, but don't let this stop you from thinking about it beforehand :)

Write the Introduction

The introduction is the first paragraph of your essay, and it has two primary purposes: to introduce your topic and grab your reader's attention.

The introduction should immediately grab your reader's attention and intrigue them into reading further. It should also provide a brief overview of the rest of the essay without giving away too many details.

You want people who read it to be interested enough in what you say in this paragraph that they want to read more about it (and thus read all of your paper).

Build Body Paragraphs by giving Evidence and Examples from the Movie to Support your Thesis Statement

The second step is to build body paragraphs by giving evidence and examples from the movie. You can do this by quoting from a specific scene in the film, using statistics or facts from it, or giving your own opinion. For example, if your topic is the best comedies of all time, add a list or details with evidence supporting your narrative.

Complete your Conclusion by Restating your Thesis and giving an Overview of your Main ideas

Your conclusion should restate the thesis and summarize the main ideas of your essay. You can also use it to reflect on what you have learned or explore the potential implications of your discussion. The conclusion is an integral part of any essay because it gives readers a sense of closure before moving on to another topic.


Students, this blog on step by step guide to writing an essay on film is helpful for your current and future academic tasks. Follow these steps to make a breathtaking essay on any movie you like. Remember to post your comments below if you like our efforts in this blog.