Hangover-Free Mornings: Top Strategies To Overcome Post-Party Blues

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Hangover-Free Mornings: Top Strategies To Overcome Post-Party Blues

So you’ve woken up with a hangover after a big night out and are looking for ways to get rid of your symptoms fast. Fret not - you probably already have most of these remedies in your home. Let’s take a look at four ways you can recover from a hangover quickly.

1. Refuel and Rehydrate

Just because you’ve seen this advice before doesn’t mean it won’t help. However, before you reach into your fridge for the closest food or drink item, remember that what you eat and drink can help or harm your recovery time.

For hydration

  • Do drink: Water, juice, electrolyte solutions, coconut water, and smoothies can replenish fluids, electrolytes, and vitamins lost during a night of drinking.

  • Don’t drink: Coffee, tea, caffeinated beverages, or more alcohol. All of these drinks can further dehydrate you and cause your symptoms to linger.

  • If you’re feeling nauseous, consider drinking ginger tea. The tea can rehydrate you, and ginger has a natural anti-nausea effect.

For food

  • While it’s tempting to reach for greasy foods such as pizza or nachos, they can exacerbate nausea and cause inflammation, which may slow your hangover recovery.

  • If your stomach is up for it, choose a nourishing meal featuring proteins, vitamins and minerals, and fiber to help your body recover faster. Chicken noodle soup may be an excellent option as it can nourish, rehydrate, and help soothe an upset stomach all at once.

  • If you are feeling nauseous, the BRAT diet - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast  - can help you replenish your body while being gentle on your stomach.

2. Rest

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-white-tank-top-sleeping-on-bed-3807624/

When it comes to overcoming a hangover, rest is one of the most important things you can do to help get rid of symptoms quickly. Sleep helps your body detox and repair. The less you sleep, the more likely your hangover symptoms will be severe.

Additionally, alcohol can negatively impact your quality of sleep. So, although you may fall asleep faster, you may get less deep and REM sleep overall, paving the way for fatigue on top of hangover symptoms. To avoid sleep disruptions, make sure to hydrate and eat something nourishing before going to sleep. This can help prevent a hangover and promote a more restful night of shut-eye.

3. Over-the-Counter Medications 

You likely have some over-the-counter medications in your cabinet to help alleviate symptoms.

  • Anti-nausea medications can help with nausea and vomiting

  • Antacids can help reduce excess acids in your stomach

  • Anti-inflammatory medications can help with body aches and headaches; however, avoid NSAIDs and ibuprofen, as they can damage your liver in conjunction with alcohol.

Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the package. Although it may be tempting to take more than recommended to help get rid of symptoms faster, doing so can cause potential issues such as overdose.

4. Get a Hangover IV Treatment

A hangover IV treatment is an innovative way to help improve symptoms fast. It is gaining popularity as a helpful hangover symptoms cure method, especially among individuals seeking quick relief. This therapy utilizes IV fluids and a blend of ingredients that are administered directly into your bloodstream.

The exact ingredients in a Hangover IV may vary depending on your provider, but they generally contain:

  • Sterile saline fluids

  • Vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes

  • Medications to combat symptoms such as nausea, inflammation, and body aches

A hangover IV can help improve symptoms because direct administration provides instant hydration and allows your cells fast access to the ingredients in your infusion. Additionally, this treatment bypasses the digestive system and any stomach upset you may be experiencing.

Treatments typically take less than an hour. Mobile services offer infusions at your home, hotel, or office, making it fast and easy to get relief from your symptoms.

Top Tips For Preventing Hangovers

Although these tips may not help if you already have a hangover, you can employ these strategies during your next big night out to help prevent a hangover.

  • Eat and hydrate before you go to avoid putting alcohol onto an empty stomach

  • Snack throughout the night to help absorb alcohol and replenish nutrients lost while drinking.

  • Try to drink one glass of water between alcoholic drinks.

  • Choose alcohol with low levels of congeners - a natural byproduct of the fermentation process that can worsen hangover symptoms - such as vodka and beer.

  • Stop drinking alcohol at least an hour before you go to sleep and finish your night with water to help avoid sleep disruptions.

Last Words

Hangovers are never a fun experience, but fortunately, there is plenty you can do to help get rid of them faster. From choosing the best hydrating beverages to using an IV infusion to replenish your body, using a combination of techniques can help you feel better quickly.

If your hangover is particularly severe, a hangover IV may be the most effective way to relieve your symptoms promptly since ingredients are administered directly into your bloodstream.