What Can You Get From Watching TV and Film?

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-white-bed-holding-remote-control-while-eating-popcorn-1040158/

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-white-bed-holding-remote-control-while-eating-popcorn-1040158/

What Can You Get From Watching TV and Film?

Movies and TV sometimes get a bad reputation. This comes from experts taking extreme scenarios such as people watching movies and TV all day everyday, and warning people of the dangers or those who go the cord-cutter route and stop completely. But, if you’re not just sitting there all the time and you just want to watch some TV or a movie, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you can get from watching movies and TV, so keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.


The first thing that you can get from watching movies and TV is relaxation. Some days, you just want to put something on the TV and watch it mindlessly, or watch it and forget about the day that you have had. Relaxation is important in your life, especially if you have been finding that you are stressed out more often than usual. There are many ways to manage stress, and we recommend trying them along with watching something on your TV.

The great thing about this is that you don’t even have to watch something new. You can watch something that you have seen once before, or 100 times before, as long as it helps you to feel relaxed. There are some fantastic on demand streaming services out there, and you can use DistroTV to get all the live tv and movies that you need. You can download the app if this is going to be easier for you.

A Whole New World

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/flat-screen-tv-1571458/

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/flat-screen-tv-1571458/

The great thing about movies and TV is that they are books that have come to life. Of course, not all things you see on TV have been inspired by a book, but what we mean is that they tell you a story. The main difference between reading and watching is that when you are watching something, the characters have already come to life. You don’t have to spend time coming up with what the character looks like from descriptions and mannerisms like you would when you read. But, nonetheless, you are still transported into a whole new world that is not your own. This is a great thing for some people, and it gives them a reprieve from the busy world that is their life.

Getting sucked into a new life every time you watch something different can be extremely exciting. You get to experience life through so many different characters, so many different worlds and struggles and hardships, which is truly something magical to do.

The Critical Mind

Another thing that you can get from this is to hone your critical mind skills. If you want to keep your brain engaged while you are watching something, then you can always consider becoming a reviewer. These individuals watch a lot of TV and movies, eventually picking up things that a casual watcher might not notice, but should know either way. 

To review a TV show or movie, you need to have a critical mind. You need to see what’s in front of you for what it is, rather than what you want it to be. If someone has waited a long time for a movie to be released, they are either going to be extremely satisfied or extremely disappointed. This depends on a number of things, and you need to be the one to point out the good and bad bits. As a reviewer, you are going to have to find arguments for both sides. Even if you didn’t personally like the movie, you’re going to need to find at least one or two things to say about it.

You never know, your hobby of reviewing movies could end up being a career if you want it to. Of course, this depends on how people respond to your reviews and if you apply for jobs in this area etc.


Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-holding-a-smiley-balloon-1236678/

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-holding-a-smiley-balloon-1236678/

Sometimes, all you get from watching is pure happiness, and that’s okay. It gives you that time that your brain craves where you are simply happy. Nothing has caused this happiness that can be taken away, no other person caused the happiness, just the TV show or movie that you have got on your screen. Many people have become too addicted to getting their happiness from things that are fleeting such as other people, and it’s not good. You can’t allow someone to be your only source of happiness all the time, as that is a lot of pressure on them and on you. 

The movies and TV shows that you like are supposed to bring you happiness. They are supposed to make you feel good, feel happy, and feel the emotions that you need to feel, bringing happiness in the end. There is nothing wrong with being happy just sitting on your couch and watching TV for a little while, so go ahead and do it.

A Distraction

If there is something that you don’t want to think about yet, or something that you don’t want to confront in your life, this can be a good distraction. We’re not saying that you aren’t going to have to face your problems eventually because you are, but it doesn’t have to be right now. Now, you can put on something to watch and get lost in it. You might be wondering if this actually happens and if there are some things out there that can immerse you in them so well that you forget about your current issues. The answer is yes, these things do exist, and we’re sure that you can find some if you look hard enough.

Think about the types of things that you find interesting to watch. It might be the case that you need to watch a documentary if you’re going to distract yourself for a while. Use the facts of the world to keep your mind occupied for a while.

Background Noise

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-holding-remote-control-1040160/

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-holding-remote-control-1040160/

Movies and TV can also provide great background noise for those who don’t like the silence. For some people, silence is worse than having a marching band constantly practicing in your home, and that is where your TV can come in handy. You don’t even have to watch what is on, just put it on in the background and allow yourself to continue with whatever it is that you are doing. Sure, something on TV might catch your eye a few times, so try not to let it distract you from anything too important. 

If you need background noise but you don’t want to get too distracted, we recommend that you put something on that you are not interested in at all, or find something that you have seen so many times you don’t want to watch. This way, you get the noise that you want, without having to risk getting distracted from what you are doing. It’s important to understand that background noise is supposed to be a low noise that just stops the silence, nothing too loud and distracting to anyone.

Pure Entertainment

The last thing that we are going to say is that you can get pure entertainment from movies and TV. It can literally be a source of entertainment when you need one, much like playing video games, sports if they are what you are interested in and so much more. As such, you can think of it as a hobby, something that you do because it appeals to you, not for any other reason. This is one of the quickest ways to get entertainment as it doesn’t take long to load, and you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home. It’s a win-win for you in this regard. 

The only thing that you need to do is make sure that you don’t get too carried away. You need to ensure that you are still going outside, that you are still functioning properly as you don’t want to end up addicted to this. It is possible, although it’s not that common, and we don’t want to see you heading down that path. Between shows or movies, get up, take a walk, talk to some friends, do anything you can to ensure that this isn’t your only source of entertainment, or even happiness. It’s important that it doesn’t go beyond a basic level of satisfaction.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now understand a little more about some of the things that you can get out of watching film and TV. A lot of people think that it’s not something that’s good for you, but that’s entirely up for debate. Of course, if you’re sitting on your couch, never doing anything other than watching then it’s fair to say that there is a problem. However, for most people this isn’t the case, and they can benefit greatly from watching movies and TV. Now that you see some of the benefits of doing such, we hope that you enjoy!