GUEST COLUMN: How the Big Screen Has Taught Us to Love the College Years


How the Big Screen Has Taught Us to Love the College Years

by Lewis Robinson

The college years are some of the most memorable and tumultuous times in a person's life. From figuring out who you are and what you want to do with your life to navigating relationships and academics, there's a lot to juggle during those four (or more) years. It's no wonder that Hollywood has been fascinated with this time period for decades. Here are some popular films that offer a unique take on the college experience.

The Social Network (2010)

The Social Network is a film about the founding of Facebook and the early days of Mark Zuckerberg's time at Harvard. While it may not sound like the most light-hearted movie, The Social Network is actually a fascinating look at what can happen when you have a great idea and the drive to see it through. Plus, it features an all-star cast including Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, and Justin Timberlake.

Great movies about college, such as The Social Network, even show the more advantageous side of student loans, and how they can help you to fund your dreams and live the big life you've always wanted for yourself. When you meet inspiring people at college and build things together, the possibilities are limitless.

Animal House (1978)

Animal House is the quintessential college movie. It follows the misadventures of Delta Tau Chi, a fraternity known for its wild parties and general disregard for authority. The movie is a classic for its performances and its raw portrayal of some of the more chaotic moments of college life.

If you're looking for a film that will make you laugh out loud, Animal House is definitely worth checking out. Just be prepared for some fairly raunchy humor and language.

Good Will Hunting (1997)

Good Will Hunting is a bit different from the other two films on this list in that it focuses on post-college life. Matt Damon stars as Will Hunting, a janitor at MIT who has a gift for mathematics but doesn't think he has anything else to offer the world.

When his talents are discovered by one of his professors, Will must decide whether or not to stay in his small town or venture out into the unknown. Good Will Hunting is touching, funny, and ultimately inspiring. The movie touches on many themes relevant to those considering college life and serves as a reminder of what's possible when you bet on yourself.

It Happened One Night (1934)

One of the earliest and most iconic examples of college on film is It Happened One Night (1934). The story of a spoiled rich girl (Claudette Colbert) who runs away from home and ends up on a cross-country bus trip with a reporter (Clark Gable), It Happened One Night is a screwball comedy in the truest sense of the word. Though it may not be an accurate portrayal of college life, the film's madcap energy and star-crossed romance are timeless, as is its message about defying expectations.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)

Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) is another classic example of college on film. The story of a group of high school friends navigating their way through senior year, Fast Times is filled with all the ups and downs that come with being a teenager. From first love to heartbreak, from parties to graduation, Fast Times captures the highs and lows of adolescence with humor and honesty. And though it may not be set on a college campus, its message about growing up and finding your place in the world is universal.

The college years are a time of great change and transition, which makes them ripe for exploration on film. Whether it's the screwball comedy of It Happened One Night or the rowdy hijinks of Animal House, there's something for everyone in these classic films about higher education. So pop some popcorn, grab your friends, and settle in for a few hours of cinematic escapism, you might just learn something along the way.