Posts tagged Amazon Prime
MOVIE REVIEW: The Fire Inside

The narratives are constructed to build these tipping points of success with suspense. If the journey has been framed right, the characters have earned their chance at rewards from their exhaustive hard work and preparation. Likewise, viewers come to sports films for those cathartic moments of satisfaction and savor their inspiration power long after. Rachel Morrison’s The Fire Inside follows that very finely-tuned trajectory but does something different with its cinematic stamina and steadfast platform.

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MOVIE REVIEW: Something From Tiffany's

Those layers, baked in by director Daryl Wein (How It Ends), present a small, but very commendable maturity and restraint from the norm. Characters with tangible messiness about them are still pausing to think with their heart and head equally. That relatability brings about romantic possibilities in Something From Tiffany’s that spark with stronger potential connections than the short burst of superficial fireworks based on mere looks. Enjoy that little diversion on Amazon Prime.

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COLUMN: Amazon Prime UK: The Best Upcoming Movies & Shows To Watch

There’s no better time for you to binge movies than the summer of 2020. With many people stuck at home due to the recent lockdowns and self-quarantine methods because of the COVID-19 pandemic, movies are what will save us from being bored out of our minds, which is probably why there’s been an increased interest in streaming as of late. Because of this, I find now the perfect time to go over the best upcoming movies this summer coming to Amazon Prime.

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