Posts tagged Chris Pratt
PODCAST: Episode 159 of "The Cinephile Hissy Fit" Podcast

For their 159th episode, two highly experienced film critics, two sexually active dads, and two jump-shooting teachers, Will Johnson and Don Shanahan, are back for their second "Romance Before Bromance" series looking at romantic film choices on the resumes of superhero movie superstars.  This time around it's Chris Evans co-starring as the love interest of Anna Faris in 2011's What's Your Number? Landing weeks after Captain America: The First Avenger, Chris flexed that he could flex. Are things getting embarrassing yet?

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MOVIE REVIEW: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2” is an brazen explosion of Crayola-sheened special effects wonder mixed with invisible grays of magnetic character growth and depth.  Just as with the first film, Marvel and company have taken a D-list roster of obscure also-rans and created new superstars and household names that you actually care about.  True to the unwritten rules of sequels, the core is bolstered and improvements have been made.

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MOVIE REVIEW: Passengers

Mixing romance with science fiction always seems to be a dodgy proposition of preposterousness.  The emotionality of love is not something readily explained by science, unless some smarty pants cites neurotransmitters, adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin.  The marketing and publicity push of “Passengers,” starring the hot ticket names of Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence, want you believe that you’re stepping into “Titanic in Space.”  Hey now, come out of hyperdrive or drop out of warp speed (your choice, fellow geeks) and pump your space brakes!  The only apt comparison between “Passengers” and “Titanic” is the metaphorical sinking.

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MOVIE REVIEW: Jurassic World

Spectacle defines "Jurassic World" perfectly.  Just as the dictionary definition states, the blockbuster is unusual, notable, and entertaining in an eye-catching, dramatic, and very public way.  It is loud and dumb, but, hot damn, it sure is fun.  More discerning tastes will definitely gravitate to the "object of curiosity and contempt" version of the definition and they wouldn't be wrong in doing so.  In the end, the simple definitions seal "Jurassic World" too.  It is an very impressive monster movie and it will indeed attract attention and shock.

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MOVIE REVIEW: Guardians of the Galaxy

"Guardians of the Galaxy," on paper, was supposed to be that movie that tested the studio's resilience and ability, yet it's aiming to be the big August hitter for the summer of 2014.  Ladies and gentlemen, it will win that title and then some.  As out-there as it is, this is the most flat-out fun a Marvel movie has ever been.  "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" might be the better overall film and "The Avengers" will always be the first cornerstone off this combined universe's monumental success, but "Guardians of the Galaxy" might be the movie you keep watching year after year as a new favorite.  The catchy and entertaining trailers nearly don't do it justice.

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