Posts tagged Nope
PODCAST: Episode 74 of "The Cinephile Hissy Fit" Podcast

For their 74th episode, our two conspiracy theory film critics, alien dads, and perfect school teachers Will Johnson and Don Shanahan are united together in person for the second time! Will was visiting family in Chicago and met up with Don to shoot the breeze and create some stellar content. A piece of that is a special shared microphone Cinephile Hissy Fit on Jordan Peele's Nope. It's one guy's middle film and another's new #1 of the year. Be listening here and be ready to watch a video version on YouTube!

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To put it more casually and in a way fitting the movie, horses say “nope” with fight-or-flight responses faster than and far before us humans. When Nope pushes your buttons and raises your pulse rate, follow what the horses do and you’ll fare well. Alas, we know humans behave differently and so does Jordan Peele. He knows man’s curiosity, perceived dominance, and other courage-warping temptations bend people to test survivability beyond their instinctual triggers until their own exit point or fatal failure.

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