Posts in LIST
INFOGRAPHIC: Updated cinematic rights to Marvel Comic characters

The brand new Disney/Fox merger looms large in the business of Hollywood.  There's a great deal of big ugly implications, but there are some nice developments that come out of it as well.  One of those is more Marvel Comics characters coming under the Marvel Studios umbrella at Disney.  Suitably, they belong together and the new possibilities of team-ups and crossovers are mouth-watering and eye-popping.

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INFOGRAPHIC: Best Films About Finance

From Oliver Stone’s epic Wall Street to the hilarious Trading Places and the Scorcese hit The Wolf of Wall Street, the topic of finance has inspired many a classic film. Courtesy of ABCFinance, find a handy infographic of 10 Best Films about Finance below. We’ve also analyzed the books to discover how well each film did at the box office, compared to their monetary budget. In the film world of finance, alongside tales of highs, lows, and even humor, there’s definitely some money to be made!

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INFOGRAPHIC: Movie Nightmares

Do you remember those nights when you were younger, utterly terrified by what’s on screen but unable to turn away? And then afterward, having to get into bed, alone and wary of whatever might be lurking in the gloom. Courtesy of Mattress Online, here are an infographic list of top movie nightmares, films that still creep into our consciousness years later, and more than any others, have stopped us from falling asleep.

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20 YEAR RETROSPECTIVE: The best of the rest of 1997

In a new annual series, Every Movie Has a Lesson is going to look back twenty years to revisit, relearn, and reexamine a year of cinema history to share favorites, lists, and experiences from the films of that year. Partly taking my film critic hat off and adjusting the collar on my fanboy shirt, these next lists follow my “10 Best” list from 1997 with more categories of distinction and remembrance.

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20 YEAR RETROSPECTIVE: The 10 Best of 1997

In a new annual series, Every Movie Has a Lesson is going to look back twenty years to revisit, relearn, and reexamine a year of cinema history to share favorites, lists, and experiences from the films of that year.  Twenty years ago, I graduated high school in 1997 and the movie milestones matched the personal ones for me.  Here's my list of the best of 1997.

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INFOGRAPHIC: Criminally Good Movie Heists

The crime genre has always been a favorite of Hollywood filmmakers and cinemagoers. Within this niche, there are few things more thrilling than a well-executed heist. Regardless of whether you’re backing law enforcement or a charming crew of thieves, the excitement of the event itself is often worth building an entire film towards. Courtesy of MoneyGuru, here is an infographic of five of the most criminally good heists in modern movies. 

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INFOGRAPHIC QUIZ: Hollywood Hounds

umping from infographics to a fun quiz, give this a try.  If you love movies and dogs, chances are you’ll enjoy a good dog flick. Using this series of minimal posters, can you guess the movie that the famous dog featured in?  Quiz courtesy of Protectivity.

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INFOGRAPHIC: The Importance of Fog in Film

One of the most dramatic of all meteorological phenomenon is fog. It can be used to ratchet up tension, conceal terrifying creatures, and even provide important characters with a suitably dramatic entrance.  Spanning genres from horror to sci-fi, mist and fog are more versatile than mere set dressing.  This infographic from Vaping Man shares the importance (not forgetting the scare-factor) that fog brings to the silver screen.

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INFOGRAPHIC: The Best Movie Rooftop Confrontations

There are few things more scenic and compelling than a wide-open rooftop overlooking a sprawling urban landscape.  The perception of heigh and depth does it all.  Over the years, some iconic movie scenes have taken place on rooftops. Maybe it’s the risk of falling off, or the build-up to the inevitable showdown at the end. Here is an engaging infographic from Rubber Band on some of the best rooftop confrontations in movie history.

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INFOGRAPHIC: Stephen King in Film

No author has seen his work has seen his work made into more movies than Stephen King, with over 50 films originating from his writing.  However, not every movie was a success.  Courtesy of MoneyPod, enjoy this intriguing infographic on the cinematic successes and failures based on the works of Stephen King.

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