Posts in LIST
INFOGRAPHIC: The Disney/Fox Merger

ABCFinance has compared these media giants, looked at the potential impact of the deal on both their own employees and the end user, and demonstrated how Disney is looking to leverage this deal to break into new markets.  Read on to see how the merger will affect everything from television and the cinema box office to streaming platforms and sports broadcasting with their comprehensive infographic.

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EDITORIAL: 19 films to watch for the 2019 Oscars

In what has become an annual day-after-hangover and post-Oscars tradition, I have this editorial that closes the book on one awards season and declares the next one open for competition.  Each year, I pull out the crystal ball and look into the murky future to prognosticate which films coming in 2018 will we be applauding for at this time next year for the 91st Academy Awards.  Here are 19 films to watch for the 2019 Oscars.

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COLUMN: 17 hidden gem films from 2017

With each year of PR and press access, I’ve been diving deeper to experience more and more of what this art form and entertainment source has to offer.   For the second year in a row and on the heels of the Oscars putting a bow on all things 2017, I wanted to share a list of personal recommendations of hidden gems from last year.  Even these 17 are but drops in a larger bucket.  There so many little gems that I have yet to see.

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OSCAR FUN: Betting odds, prop bets, and party ideas!

I enjoy tracking the trends and changes on my annual Awards Tracker, but once we get to crunch time before the Academy Awards, the cash flow takes over.  I want my promise of "stick with me and I will win you your Oscar pool" to become more ironclad every year. Betting websites and odds-makers, like those at, can put spin some monetary probability into predicting the future Oscar winners. 

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MEDIA APPEARANCE: Guest on the"Page 2 Screen" podcast reviewing the 2018 Oscar-nominated shorts

Together at The Century Bar of the Landmark Century Centre Cinema, fellow CIFCC critic Jeff York and I critiqued the ten short films nominated for the 90th Academy Awards for Best Live Action Short Film and Best Animated Short on the "Page 2 Screen" bost on the International Screenwriters' Association network.  Both categories of contenders boasted impressive range and buried treasure.  Enjoy our reviews and discussion!

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INFOGRAPHIC: Vaping on Screen

We all know that Vaping is taking over the world, but did you know that due to its popularity, Vaping devices are being introduced into movies, TV shows, and even Video Games? It’s true! This infographic piece from Grey Haze takes a look at where vaping has popped up on the big and little screen and see which Vaping device each character is using and what that tells us about them.  Enjoy!

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SPECIAL: Winners of the second annual CIFCC Awards!

The 26 film critics, myself included, and voting members of the Chicago Independent Film Critics Circle completed their final ballots in 21 categories for their second annual CIFCC Awards. Leading all films with four awards is Get Out from Universal Pictures and Blumhouse Productions, including three awards for Jordan Peele and his many hats.  A24 and Focus Feature’s Lady Bird from director Greta Gerwig follows with three wins, including Best Independent Film.

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COLUMN: New Year's Resolutions for the Movie Industry in 2018

Plenty of regular everyday people make New Year's Resolutions, but I think bigger entities, namely movie makers and movie moguls, need to make them too.  Annually, including this seventh edition, this is my absolute favorite editorial to write every year.  I have fun taking the movie industry to task for things they need to change.  You would hope Hollywood would learn from those lessons going forward.  Alas, here we go again!  Enjoy!

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COLUMN: The 10 Best Films of 2017

The end of the year brings grading and reflection points for both the school teacher in me and the film critic.  Looking at the online Trapper Keeper portfolio called Every Movie has a Lesson, I published 126 full film reviews in 2017, topping last year’s 114 and setting a new high mark.  Here’s my definitive list of the "10 Best" films of 2017.  True to this website’s specialty, each film will be paired with its best life lesson.  Enjoy!

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COLUMN: The 10 best sports betting films

For an elevated feeling, combine the buzz of a gambling win with the real-life thrill of victory that comes from spectator sports.  Betting on sports is like double the juice when you combine fandom with fun.  Over in the arena of movies, my specialty, sports betting has been a popular plot point within the genre of gambling movies.  Here’s my list of the top ten best sports betting films, peppered with little salutes and recommendations.

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