Posts tagged Captain America
MOVIE REVIEW: Captain America: Brave New World

Marvel has needed to smash a reset button with a big, proper film to get the machine churning and building again, something with flagship characters that demands appointment viewing. Well, new headliner Anthony Mackie called his shot. True to the old adage of “absence away makes the heart grow fonder,” they have their new jumpstart in Captain America: Brave New World.

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MOVIE REVIEW: Spider-Man: Homecoming

Spider-Man: Homecoming counts as a clean slate for Peter Parker’s web-slinger.  Now nestled into the established Marvel Cinematic Universe, Tom Holland is a true teenage Spider-Man, one that was never successfully conveyed by two previous franchises and their over-aged actors.  Aiming to please and bursting with effervescent zest at every flip, swing, and turn, John Watts’ Spider-Man: Homecoming succeeds as a brand new jumping off point for a character that badly needed course correction.

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MOVIE REVIEW: Avengers: Age of Ultron

Raising the stakes and swinging for the fences like a good film sequel should, Joss Whedon’s latest Marvel film pays off the studio’s Phase 2 initiative with both a new level of groundbreaking effort beyond the first peak three years ago and a continued dedication to the master blueprint of a grander big picture.

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ADVANCE MOVIE REVIEW: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Speaking of poker, if "Iron Man 3" is a hefty full house and "Thor: The Dark World" is a handsome straight, then "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" is a straight flush.  I will echo the early reviews coming in and say that this is arguably Marvel's best made film to date.  The movie is a kinetically smart clash of political espionage set on a superhero action stage.  There's not a wasted moment of non-importance and the twists and turns triple anything attempted by "Iron Man 3" or "Thor: The Dark World."

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